Half and Half (4)

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At the crack of closing, Burgertron awoke. It was night already? It went by so...fast. He jumped out his cubby, looking back at the others. He sensed his friends were about to wake up too, so he ran out the Lost and Found. He needed to find Howlarp as soon as he could.
"You think you're leaving without me, eh?" Burgertron jumped at this voice and turned. Bonz-eye.
"How did you get out here so fast?!" He asked in disbelief. She smirked.
"I glide through the night quicker than you can imagine. You already know that. Now come on. We need to find Howlarp and find out more about the moon shifts." He nodded and walked around the mall with her. While they were heading for the escalator, Bonz-eye stopped in her tracks. Burgertron looked back at her.
"Everything okay?" He asked. She just looked up, her breathing being shaky and uneasy. He came over to her. Burgertron recognized this. The transformation. But this was when it was painful. It didn't hurt to them anymore. Why was Bonz-eye seemingly in pain? She grunted loudly and Burgertron hugged her.
"Hey! What's going on? Are you okay?" He asked.
"I...I don't know what's going on. The transformation d-doesn't hurt anymore! Why does it feel..." Her words dragged off. As quickly as Bonz-eyes pains started, Burgertron began to feel pain as well. He let go of Bonz-eye and wrapped his arms around his torso with a slight scream of pain.
"Wh-What the heck is going on?!" He gasped. "It feels like the first transformation all over again!"
"I...AGH! I FEEL LIKE I'M ON FIRE!" Bonz-eye cried in agony. While the two were in immense pain, something grabbed them aside into a hallway. Burgertron recognized this as the hallway that lead the room of the Costa Pasta. But he didn't focus on that. He was focused on his pain. He couldn't take it anymore! He fell to the floor in pain with a yell. The figure shushed him.
"Keep it down! I get you're in pain but I'm not in the mood to be caught tonight!" Howlarp said gently yet sternly at the same time. They both tried to keep down their screams, obeying Howlarps order. Burgertron noticed Bonz-eye was growing claws and her teeth grew sharper into fangs. So they were transforming! But why did it hurt so much now?! His own transformation was starting as well, Burgertrons fingers grew sharp claws and he felt his teeth sharpen into fangs just like Bonz-eyes. For some weird reason, instead of the fur coming first, the familiar pain of something pushing out behind him. The tail?! The tail was never one of the first parts of the transformation. But it happened anyway, and he screamed out. Bonz-eyes transformation had slowed down apparently and she fell over after her tail had come. Fur grew onto Burgertrons hands and went up to his wrists, his hands becoming paws in the process. The same thing happened with his legs. His feet became hind paws and grew fur on them, but only up to his ankles. Suddenly the urge came. He coughed out and howled. Same with Bonz-eye. He exhaled in exhaustion and breathed heavily. Bonz-eye glared at Howlarp.
"Do you know what's going on?!" She asked angrily. He nodded.
"The Half Moon Curse. Your first Half Moon transformation! Horray." He clapped his hands.
"But...But why did it hurt so much? Our transformations don't hurt anymore!" Burgertron asked.
"Easy. You two are used to the Full Moon. This is the Half Moon. So basically now it feels like you're transforming for the first time again." Howlarp shrugged. Burgertron groaned. So if there were any more half moons, he would would through the pain again!
"Okay, but I have to thank you for pulling us to the side. If not we would half turned with the half moon curse in the open. Everyone knows about us, but not the Half Moon Curse!" Bonz-eye thanked him. Howlarp nodded.
"The main reason was because The Half Moon Curse is more...strange...per say. At least, I think so. Only two other people I know have the Half Moon Curse, one being me." He said. Burgertron tilted his head. What did he mean by that? He began to get back up.
"Wait!" Howlarp tried to warn him, "Be careful or-" But he was too late. Burgertron had stood up, and something cracked. He yelped in surprise and pain and fell over again.
"You're gonna cause the legs to snap into wolf joints...It happens so suddenly." He looked at Bonz-Eye. "Be careful. It'll happen to you too." She nodded and started getting up carefully. Her legs snapped as well and she grunted in pain, also falling to the floor. They both groaned slightly.
"Why does this all have to hurt...?" Burgertron complained. Howlarp gave him a sympathetic look.
"I remember my first time, Burgertron. Not only was it painful, but it was terrifying. I'll tell you two something real quick. The cookies were made under a Blood Moon. So the effects were...dangerous the first time. The next batch was made under a full moon. I hoped it would reverse the effect, but it didn't." He looked away. "And...I lost her." Bonz-Eye blinked.
"It's nothing...Now, what did you two want to talk to me about?" He asked.
Bonz-eye got up. "We need to know more about the moons shifts. What can you tell us?"

Writer Note
OOOO Howlarp has an edgy backstory. Emo wolf he's so emo.

Salty Fur [BOOK 2] (BB Werewolf fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora