Investigation [part 1] (9)

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DimLit was in the Lost and Found, trying to get some rest on his bed. He was a werewolf now. Just like his friends. He would have to live with it, considering he couldn't do anything about it. DimLit knew he couldn't just say 'I don't want to be a werewolf anymore!' And the curse would magically go away. Oh, how he wished that could work. Bonz-eye and Burgertron would have done it ages ago if it could work. Resting was no use. He couldn't sleep at all. DimLit got out of his bed and climbed down the cubbies with a deep sigh. Where were Burgertron and Bonz-eye? He didn't see them anywhere. He couldn't sense them either. Maybe his wolf senses weren't as good at Burgertron and Bonz-eyes. Bonz-eye had said Burgertrons wolf hearing and sight was really sensitive, so maybe his own wasn't very sensitive.
"Hello? Burgertron? Bonz-eye?...Kikmee? Clogstopper?" No response. He was the only one there. All alone. Maybe Burgertron and Bonz-eye had went to go speak to Howlarp or something. Hopefully they weren't in trouble. The room was so silent, the slightest movement could be heard. Out of nowhere came a slight clatter. DimLit couldn't tell where it came from, though. It scared him a little bit.
"Is s-someone there?" He called out nervously. Another clatter. A clang. Suddenly DimLit felt a prick in his back and then began to feel...weird. Some pain arose in his body and he began to breath heavily.
"A-Am I turning?! Burgertron and Bonz-eye aren't here! It can't happen now! HuuUURGH!" He pinned himself against the wall with a scream, grunting in pain. "N-no! Help! Help m-me!" DimLit cried, falling over with a grunt. Pain wasn't the only thing he felt all over his body. He also felt...woozy. Like he was losing grip on control! Like Burgertron had inside the vents a month ago! One last scream of pain from DimLit, and then he blacked out...

About forty minutes later after DimLit blacked out, he woke up...had he hurt anyone?


Kikmee and Clogstopper were going around the mall to look for Burgertron, Bonz-eye and DimLit. Howlarp was right behind them, but he was going through the shadows to keep himself hidden so nobody could see him. Kikmee was still curious about what Howlarp was going to tell them before they found the carcass. For now they needed to find the three. Only one of them could have done it.
"I sense Burgertron ahead...go down to that bench in the distance. He should be there." They heard Howlarp say above them from the shadows.
"Got it! Thanks!" Kikmee thanked him and they all went ahead. It was cloudy that night. The only time the moon had come out was over an hour ago, so they weren't wolves right now. Howlarp was right. Burgertron was right by the bench. He noticed the two and smiled.
"Oh hey guys!" He waved. They waved back.
"Hi Burgertron! Hey, we need to talk about something. Important." Kikmee told him. Burgertron rose a brow.
"Okay? What's up?" Just as Burgertron said that, Howlarp jumped down from where he was hiding, startling Burgertron.
"We just found a carcass of a dead bird. Seemed to had been killed twenty minutes before we found it,meaning it was a fresh carcass. Do you remember losing control or waking up with blood in your fangs before the moon went behind the clouds?" Burgertron stared at Howlarp wide eyed and eventually shook his head.
"Nope. Don't remember anything like that." Howlarp obviously wasn't convinced.
"What were you doing about an hour ago?"
"Well I didn't turn. I was away from the moon for a while and then it went behind the clouds. I'm telling you, I didn't transform yet tonight." The wolf bot closed his eyes at Burgertrons words, thinking for a moment.
"If he didn't turn..." He began.
"Then Burgertron couldn't have done it. The marks on the bird were transformed wolf marks. If Burgertron hasn't turned tonight, there's no possible way he could have killed the bird..." Kikmee finished for him. Clogstopper looked at Burgertron.
"Do you know where Bonz-eye and DimLit are?" He asked him.
"I think so...Last I saw DimLit was in the Lost and Found. Bonz-eye might be with the Sugar Shocks or something? All I know is that DimLit is in the Lost and Found. Howlarp, do you know if my senses are stronger than yours or not?" He turned toward Howlarp.
"My senses are stronger than yours. I can adjust them, however. You can't. I've been a werewolf MUCH longer than you have." Burgertron nodded.
"Then you should go help them find Bonz-eye. You should do it before the moon comes out. Hopefully you can figure it out by then."
"Yeah, thanks Burgertron." Kikmee thanked him as they walked off to go find Bonz-eye.
"Do you have his scent yet, Howlarp?" Clogstopper asked before he went back into the shadows. Howlarp shook his head and began to sniff the air. He paused at one point and squinted, like he couldn't remember what Bonz-eyes scent was. Then he nodded confidently to himself and looked back at the two.
"I have it now. I'll go ahead and howl when I find her. Everyone is gonna think it's Burgertron or Bonz-eye, so it'll be fine is some other bots hear it." He hopped back into the shadows. Kikmee and Clogstopper waited for Howlarp to give the howl signal so they could follow it. While he was gone, Kikmee looked a little unnerved.
"I highly doubt Bonz-eye did it."
"Hm?" Clogstopper looked at her.
"I said I don't think Bonz-eye did it. If there's anyone who has a good grip on control here, it's Bonz-eye." Clogstopper blinked and then hummed with agreement.
"I guess that's true. But what if something weird happened? Maybe she lost control on some way. Besides, her claws and fangs are sharper than Burgertrons. She might have done it." Clogstopper had a point there. What if Bonz-eye somehow DID lose control and attacked the bird?
"AROOOOOOO ARR ARR ARRRROOOOO!" Howlarps signal made the two jump a little bit.
"This way! Cmon!" Kikmee and Clogstopper ran to where they had heard the howl. Kikmee and Clogstopper stopped in front of a fork in the halls. One way or the other way? Left or right? They needed to hurry before the moon came back out and the wolf had another chance to pounce. What would they do now to find Howlarp?
"We're at a crossroad! Which way did the howl come from? We can't ask him to howl again!" Almost immediately, Clogstopper replied.
"We could howl back."
"We can howl back!"
"Clogstopper what is howling back gonna do??"
"Maybe if we howl he'll respond? I think it's our best shot to save more time." Kikmee eventually groaned, realizing Clogstopper was right.
"Fine. But only so Howlarp can find us! And we never speak about it. Ever." Clogstopper gave her a thumbs up. Kikmee sighed and looked up again.
" goes nothing...aaAARRROOOOO!" The two howled out loudly, hoping to get Howlarps attention. Eventually came back a response howl. There it was!
"Left! Go left!" Kikmee said, immediately halting her howl. She ran ahead while Clogstopper tried to catch up with her.

Eventually the two stopped in front of the Sugar Shocks candy store, where Howlarp was waiting.
"Why did you two howl back??" Was the first thing the wolf bot said. Kikmee pointed at Clogstopper.
"His idea. Not mine." He looked back at her with confidence.
"Hey, it worked didn't it?" Kikmee shrugged.
"Come on, you two. Bonz-eye is in there. I'll have to wait out here. Tell her we need to talk to her privately, okay? I'll be waiting outside so they don't see me. Got it?"
"Got it." Kikmee and Clogstopper replied in unison. They both went into the candy store to find Bonz-eye.

When the two walked into the bright and colorful store, they saw Lady Macaron talking to Bonz-eye. The two noticed them coming to them and waved.
"Kikmee! Clogstopper! Welcome back to the candy shop!" The Sugar Shock greeted them.
"Hi Lady Macaron! Hey we needed to talk to Bonz-eye for a moment." Kikmee told her. Bonz-eye looked at the two.
"About what?"
"Important werewolf stuff." Kikmee said a little nervously. Bonz-eye blinked. She could tell it was urgent. The Warrior Lost Bot looked back at Lady Macaron.
"I'll be right back. I won't take too long." Bonz-Eyes werewolf ability helped her sense levels of urgency. She could tell this was urgent, but not 'DimLit getting exposed to be a werewolf' urgent. So she could tell it wouldn't take a while. Lady Macaron nodded.
"If it's important then do what you must." She smiled. Bonz-eye smiled back for a moment and then headed for the door with Kikmee and Clogstopper.
When they were outside the store, Howlarp jumped down.
"Howlarp. So what is this about?" She asked.
"About fifteen minutes ago we found a dead bird carcass. It seemed to have been killed about twenty minutes before we found it. Do you know anything about it? Have you turned at all tonight?" Bonz-Eye went slightly wide eyed and thought for a moment.
" I did turn tonight. But I didn't black out at all. I didn't lose control. Plus shortly after I turned I headed for the Sugar Shocks, and then I turned back after talking a little bit to Lady Macaron. So it wasn't me." She told them clearly. Howlarp was more convinced quicker by Bonz-eye that he was Burgertron. Bonz-eye obviously would have said she lost control if she did. She was probably the one who took this werewolf stuff seriously the most.
"Okay...So it wasn't her. Definitely." Howlarp said. Kikmee nodded.
"I knew it couldn't have been her. So we've asked Burgertron and that leaves-" Kikmee stopped and stared into the distance in pure silence. "DimLit."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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