Problems (6)

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Burgertron looked at DimLit and Kikmee nervously.
"Ah crap. You two weren't supposed to see me like this...Nobody else was!" He whimpered, taking a step back. Bonz-eye came over to his side and the mysterious figure got away from the two non werewolf Lost Bots.
"Forgive me. I believe that Burgertron and Bonz-eye know you?" He hissed gently. Kikmee nodded weakly. The strange bot pulled his hood down, revealing his wolf like head.
"I'm Howlarp. I've been helping Bonz-eye and Burgertron with werewolf things recently." DimLit limped a little bit, helping up Kikmee. Howlarp looked down with guilt.
"It was a force of habit..." He sighed. Kikmee nodded with understandment, still trying to catch her breath. Burgertron came over to them. He was in his normal form, but it looked a bit different. He had his tail, his paws, claws and his fangs. Same with Bonz-eye.
"Why aren't you guys fully turned?" DimLit asked curiously.
"The cookies apparently had something called "The Half Moon Curse" along with the normal werewolf curse. It's where we only turn halfway." Bonz-Eye told him. That made so much more sense now! It explained why they didn't have too many wolf features on them.
"Anyway, I think I've explained enough to you two tonight." Howlarp said, "If you need anything else tomorrow, just let me know. And remember what I taught you about infection!" Burgertron nodded.
"Thank you, Howlarp. But please next time don't attack our friends?" Howlarp nodded back and the Lost Bots began to leave.
When they arrived back at the Lost and Found, DimLit made a slight grunt noise.
"My shoulder really hurts. So does my chest! It's been aching ever since Howlarp attacked us!" He groaned. Bonz-eye immediately looked at him and checked the areas where he said the pain was. She flicked her tail a little bit and went wide eyed.
"Oh no...Oh no no no..." She shook her head frantically. Burgertron and Kikmee looked at her.
"What's wrong?" Burgertron asked.
"DimLit was scratched! Howlarp must have clawed him when he attacked!" They all began to panic. Especially DimLit! But Burgertron tried to calm them down.
"Guys! He might just be really hurt! He just needs some rest." DimLit nodded woozily.
"Yeah...Rest sounds good right now..." He fell over onto the ground, fainting. They all panicked a bit more and helped him to his cubby.
When Burgertron and Bonz-eye were making sure he was okay whilst unconcious, Bonz-eye looked at Burgertron.
"What do you mean by just really hurt?" She asked. Burgertron blinked.
"What do you mean what do I mean? He was clawed! He's okay now. It's all going to be fine." He told her. She tensed up a bit more.
"Burgertron! We learned about infection tonight! Do you not remember a thing that Howlarp said?!" She snapped. He thought for a moment before going wide eyed.
"No...No no no! He's going to be infected! Crap!" Burgertron covered his face. After a few moments he stopped being nervous for a moment. He seemed only relaxed, but it was obvious he had realized something.
"Wait...If clawing infects, does that mean..." Burgertron stopped and smiled easily. "No. That can't happen." Bonz-Eye tilted her head.
"What are you talking about?"
"When you attacked Spud a month ago! Didn't you claw him?" She shook her head and scowled at Spuds name.
"No. I just pinned him down with my paw. I didn't Claw him at all."
"You sure?"
"I'm positive."
"Okay. Whatever you say." He looked back down at DimLit. He was asleep on his comfy bed, seeming to have a small nightmare. Poor guy.
"Hey Bonz-eye?" Burgertron looked at her. "Can you go for a bit? I want to stay with DimLit for a bit." She nodded and climbed into her cubby. Burgertron looked back at DimLit. Still having that nightmare, but it seemed to be getting worse. His eyes were clenched shut and he was clutching onto the bed. Burgertron sat down on the bed and put his tail over his arm. (I DON'T SHIP THEM 💀💀💀) He was trying to calm him down. Suddenly DimLit gasped and woke up, leaning up with a gasp while breathing quickly. Burgertron hugged him.
"Hey! Hey! It's okay...It's all going to be okay." He looked at him with a gentle and kind look. "Are you okay?" DimLit began to calm down a little bit. He eventually nodded.
"Y-Yeah...It was a n-nightmare..." He whimpered.
"That'll happen...First sign anyway." Burgertron muttered.
"Nothing! I didn't say anything. Anyway, it's near opening time. Just have to wait for the moon to set a little bit more. See you tonight?" Dimlit nodded.
"See you tonight."

Kikmee was in her cubby, pondering nervously. She had heard what Bonz-eye and Burgertron had said. Was DimLit a werewolf now, too? She wished none of this had happened at all. She wanted to help her friends, but all this was too much! It was only a matter of time before she was infected too! DimLit had come to her for help and she failed to do so. He was a werewolf now because of her! Now she would need help from someone too. Like...another Lost Bot.

Writer Notes

Salty Fur [BOOK 2] (BB Werewolf fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now