Chapter Eight

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The Royal Estates, Amstel Manor:
Fiona and Abraham danced without energy, watching the Chairman; and Gabby was serving guests never a far distance from them.
They finally got the opportunity to speak to him up on his private balcony, pretending that they weren't aware it was occupied.

After the servant had been sent to get some expensive wine, Fiona and Abraham sat with Chairman Amstel, pretending to be pleasant and honored party guests.
The Chairman sent away the servant after he had returned with the wine, and Abraham pretended to drink, waiting for when Chairman Amstel would be the most gullible.

"So, Sir Amstel," Fiona began passively when she felt the moment was right. "We heard some rumors that a guard was associated with the disappearance of our beloved Queen Fiona."
Amstel nodded vigorously, his eyes focusing on the space next to Fiona's head.

"His name was Gabriel, and he was very close with the Queen, you see," he gulped some more wine. "And we think that he assisted in her running away."

Fiona started. "She ran away?" She asked shakily.

Amstel chuckled emptily. "Yes, and we had her so convinced too."

"Convinced of what?" Abraham pried, alarm in his tone.

"Our loyalty, of course," Amstel answered. This, Abraham already knew. "And I had only just joined the council, and already being a high member of the court I came highly recommended for my loyalty and ability to-"

"Where is the guard who assisted on The Queen's escape?" Fiona demanded, silencing Amstel. He gawked at her, insulted.

"We have him in the east storehouse, nearest to the palace," Amstel said, head bobbing. Abraham let his eyes flutter closed and then took his wine, splashing the contents off the side of the balcony. A few surprised shrieks made his deep frown twitch. He turned to Fiona.

"Well my Queen, what should our next move be?"

"Can we just go back to camp? I need time to think," Fiona said weakly. Abraham nodded, trying to be understanding. He escorted Fiona from the party, and once Gabby had gathered some of her things she followed them, disguised in a trench coat.

They made it back to camp, and after relocating and setting up Fiona collapsed onto her pillow and sheet, trying to sort all of the recent developments, and figure out what they were going to do next.

The campsite:
A few mornings later, Abraham was cleaning up from breakfast when Fiona asked him what his opinion was on going to save Gabriel.

Gabby had left a few minutes before, going out to gather firewood and water.
What had started as a friendly conversation quickly escalated between Abraham and Fiona into a heated argument.

"Fiona, you don't understand. It's a trap!" Abraham pleaded. "They're trying to lure you back to the kingdom, and when they do... I'll be forced to follow you. And we both know what they'll do to Gabby and I if we're caught," Abraham reasoned.

"You're just jealous."

"Of what? The lovesick girl who is lusting after her personal guard?" Abraham retorted.

"It's none of your business to talk about us like that," Fiona snapped. Abraham chuckled darkly.

Fiona huffed, realizing she was losing the quarrel. "If I were with Gabriel, saving you, we wouldn't even be having this argument!"

"Of course not!" Shouted Abraham. "You would've already left me for dead!"

Stunned, Fiona plopped down on the nearest rock, digging the heels of her boots into the dirt.

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