Bad ending.

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A/N;I forgot to mention, that may be the last part of this book. I think it ended off well! I'm very proud of this book but i am going to add this chapter to sadden y'all up lmao. What if Sakusa didn't accept Kenji?

Some pretty graphic murder violence. I think you see where this is going and who it happens to.

Sakusa's eyes widened. His body was frozen. He stared at this unknown bastard child that was playing with his wife. A parasite was in his household. It was infecting his love. It was uncleanable. He can't have it in here. Atsumu's pupils dialated. He felt as though he couldn't move. He could practically see Kiyoomi seething, the aura of hatred and malice radiating off of him. Kenji didn't seem to notice it, thank god the poor dear. Infact he seemed distracted, as if he hadn't noticed Kiyoomi had been standing there in the first place. That had been until Kiyoomi spoke, tone full of anger and hate. "Atsumu. Dear. Pray tell, why this...CRETAN. Is standing before my palace? In your arms? In our room." Atsumu didn't know what to say. Any wrong word could result in tragedy. Kiyoomi wasn't a patient man however, claws out. He was restraining himself barely. He was clenching his fists, his claws digging deep into his skin making blood drip down onto the marble flooring. Kenji had seemed all the more terrified now, for good reason. The man wanted to kill him, no words were needed to know that. "If i don't get a good explanation as to WHY you directly disobeyed me and brought in this...this PEST,from the streets into our bedroom, dirtying up our floors....? Sweetheart. Your not going to enjoy what happens to you. You know i love you but if i have to teach you not to disobey me...i'm not against punishing you." Sakusa's teeth were clenched, gritting out his words. What was Atsumu supposed to say? He did disobey direct orders. He did bring this helpless child inside. He didn't have a good explanation, not one that Kiyoomi would take or believe. "I-I'm sorry darling...h-he was starving and freezing...i couldn' morals wouldn't let me leave him there all alone to die!" Atsumu attempted to stay calm. There was obvious anxiety in his voice and trying to quickly assess the situation and put out the tension so evident in the room, wasn't helping. "Your morals? This is hell. What morals? Your not even an angel anymore...your the wife of the king of hell, JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Kiyoomi boomed with anger. He couldn't believe Kiyoomi was invalidating him like this. His husband knew very well how sensitive he was about the used to be angel topic and yet he brought it up anyway. Kiyoomi turned to the quivering child on the floor. "You...YOU." He growled and lunged forward, Atsumu screamed crawling backwards and attempting to grab Kenji with him but alas to no avail.

Kiyoomi was on top of him, ripping into his flesh with drawn claws, eating him. And Atsumu could only watch. Watch in horror as his husband brutally feasted upon an innocent, miserable, feeble child. Kenji was screaming the entire time as he was eaten and clawed apart, ripped to bits. When Sakusa had stopped, the boy wasn't breathing anymore.

His stomach was completely torn open. You could see the insides, all the organs that were slowly beginning to slow and begin to not work any longer. There was a chunk tore out of his left cheek, teeth were able to be seen. His neck had been bitten, the jugular completely torn out which was suspected to have been the killing blow. And in the process Kiyoomi had somehow also stabbed his eyeball. He didn't even tear it out, it was just there, blood gushing out as it bulged. Cerberus had begun to follow after Sakusa's footsteps...eating and licking at the cold, lifeless body on the cool floor.

Atsumu sobbed uncontrollably, screaming to the top of his lungs. And he was heard. But nobody came, who was supposed to? The family knew. Atsumu never screamed like that, which only meant Kiyoomi had attacked someone infront of Atsumu. They couldn't stop that.

Atsumu shook uncontrollably. "Atsumu. Don't ever speak or even think about letting another parasite come into this household without my permission."

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