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Maddie's POV:

We got to the restaurant with a few minutes to spare. Dad went over all the boring rules. AGAIN! Then we were eventually ready. Walking inside, I noticed Liv looking nervous. I whispered to her, "You seem worried. What's wrong?" She sighed and in response said, "Oh nothing much..."
I shrugged it off, knowing that she would tell me if she wanted to.

We found our reserved table and decided who should sit where. Mom sat next to dad, dad sat next to Joey, Joey sat next to Diggie, Diggie sat next to me, I sat next to Parker, Parker sat next to y/n, y/n sat next to Liv and Liv sat next to mom. A waiter came over and asked, "Hello there! Welco- Wait Pete is that you!?" Dad laughed in reply and nodded.

"Wow, I never knew you had a family of celebrities! I mean you have Liv Rooney, international superstar! Maddie Rooney and Diggie Smalls the best basketball players on this side of the darn equator! Joey Rooney, his comedy cat blog is amazing. Then, Y/n Smalls and Parker Rooney! The best and youngest scientists I've ever seen or heard of!"

We all shared a laugh and he handed us some menus. Everything looked amazing but I think I made a choice. Liv got a salad and a cheeseburger, Joey and Diggie shared a pizza, Parker and y/n shared a pizza, mom got a salad and a steak and dad got a steak, fries and a burger. Whereas, I got a burger and some French fries.

We all ordered some drinks and eventually our food was delivered. The burger and fries were sooo good. I didn't even leave a single crumb! Once everyone had finished up, the waiter took our plates and gave us desert. ON THE HOUSE! This place is awesome. During the night, Diggie kept looking at me nervously, I soon found out why.

"Everyone, I'd like your attention please, " he announced, "I'd like to ask Maddie a question."

Liv's POV:

During the night, Diggie was supposed to ask Maddie to the dance but he hadn't said a word. The most he did was stare at her awkwardly. It was almost three need of the night and I came to the conclusion that he had just chickened out. Time to think of a new plan I suppose. Suddenly, he announced, "Everyone, I'd like your attention please!" Finally, he was going to do it!

"I'd like to ask Maddie a question, " he continued. Only a few more words, come on Diggie. You got this! We all looked at him nervously as he gently grabbed a hold of her hand and took a deep breath through his nose. Dad glared at him, thinking he was going to propose or something. Luckily, mom calmed him before he rudely intervened.

"Maddie, will you... g-go to the school dance with m-me?" He reluctantly asked. YES, HE DID IT. Maddie sat there stunned. She looked as though she was about to puke. I whispered, "Maddie, are you okay?" Diggie looked at her expectantly before she ran to the bathroom. Y/n and I shared a look before excusing ourselves to go after her.

Y/n's POV:

Me and Liv were racing as fast as we could to the bathroom to check on Maddie. She had just been asked to the dance and then she ran. I'm not the best when it comes to dances or relationships in general. But based on every movie I've watched about this sort of stuff, doesn't the girl usually run away during the dance?

"Maddie, are you okay?" Liv asked softly. That was a bit of a stupid question! She just ran away from the guy she likes because he reflected the same feelings she has for him. There was a short silence and through the sniffles she mumbled, "I don't know, I just got asked to the dance by the guys of my dreams and I just ran. I didn't know what to do or say!" Nearing the end of her sentance, she slowly got louder.

"Ok, this advice is probably not the best coming from the girl that's never had a long term relationship (and only two relationships ever. But if you just meant what you said about him being 'the guy of your dreams'. Then you should go with him, besides I'm going alone, don't steal my thunder of loneliness!" I responded. We all had a little laugh and she agreed.

Liv and Maddie | Parker Rooney x Y/N SmallsWhere stories live. Discover now