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Parker's POV:

After the many events of last night, I was ready to lay down and get to sleep. I mean if you were me, what would you do if: your best friend found out that you like her? Exactly! What can you do? Nothing really. Especially, if she doesn't know that you know she knows. But it must be worse for her...

Imagine if you were y/n and you just found out your best friend likes you. What would you say to him? Would it be awkward? God, I just don't know!
I just need to stop thinking and get some shut-eye. Yeah, that will help. Although, Liv does always say to never sleep on an argument or it gets worse when you wake up.

This wasn't an argument but what if I wake up and everything is messed up between us. What if she doesn't want to be friends anymore!? No, I can't think like that. We've been the best friends since I was in my Superman undies! Trust me, that was a long time ago... Oh god, the memories are coming back! Back to the point, Parker.

She's the one that persuaded my friends to call me Dr. P, since then, that's all Reggie and Evan refer to me as. Well, I mean, DumpTruck calls me Gumball Machine. It was because of that one time when y/n gave me the idea to get detention. Not for severely bad reasons, it was just so I could get out of the 'Mama's little baby boy' pageant. I can't thank her enough for managing to get me out of that one.

I just need to go get some sleep, then (hopefully) everything will be just fine. Other than the fact I have to film with her tomorrow, everything will be just fine...

Liv's POV:

I got awoken to the DE-lightful sound of my ('Sing it Loud') alarm clock at exactly 7:30am. I hope Parker is up, because I don't wanna go into their room. God knows what it looks like in there. I put on a totes adorable red dress along with my 2nd favourite pair of red heels. I decided to add a blue denim jacket and some bracelets and my outfit was complete.

Quickly, I made my bed and skipped downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I was about to sit down until I saw Parker sat there with his head on the table. Gently, I lifted it up to see if he was awake. He wasn't... I just knew I could remember hearing someone walk downstairs just before I went to go to sleep. It must have been him.

His phone was laid face down beside his arm. Being the curious girl I am, I picked it up to see what was going on. As soon as I grabbed it, I saw he had called y/n over 100 times. Don't even get me started on the thousands of texts. I looked at one it read, 'Hey, y/n. Joey overheard you, Liv and Maddie talking yesterday during the party. I know they told you that I like you but I don't want that to ruin how close we are. Because you're my best friend, and I don't want to lose you over my stupid feelings. Please forgive me.

This is just going to make everything worse than it already is. What should I do!? Come on Liv, think, think!
I'VE GOT IT!!! I double checked to see if she had seen any of the texts yet, she hadn't. I deleted them all. I know it sounds cruel but, knowing y/n, she'll probably find it more awkward. Thank god! I deleted them just in time because the next thing I knew y/n was online. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and texted her before she talked to Parker.

"Hey y/n, you ready for filming?" I asked.
"Yeah, on my way to yours now." She responded, quickly.
"We can come and get you on the way, don't worry!" I prompted.
"It's too late for that, I'm outside the house... Oops!" She answered.

I put the phone back in my bag, then put Parker's back beside him in the same position as before. Cheerfully, I ran up to the door and twisted the knob. I gave her a warm hug before letting her enter. We walked into the kitchen and I handed her a Pop Tart. She turned around, it seemed like she thought she forgot something but soon realised she had just walked by Parker without noticing.

"Hey Pa-" She began before I stopped her, "He's asleep." She nodded in an understanding way and grabbed her phone. Let's just hope she doesn't see the missed calls. She sighed and rolled her eyes, "So many missed calls, half are from Diggie, I left before he woke up but I left a note. He's probably just blind. Oh and the rest are from Parker." She said before putting her phone in her pocket.

"You're not wondering why?" I asked curiously. I know that if somebody sent me over 100 calls, I would want to know why. She shrugged as a quick response and bit into the Pop Tart that I previously gave her. After finishing her Pop Tart she continued onto the previous topic, "Oh I know why."
I looked shocked and insisted she spilt the tea.

"Joey overheard everything and told Parker." She told me, acting as though it wasn't a big deal. I gasped in shock. "So Parker knows that you know he likes you?" I asked, I wasn't fully understanding the situation. She nodded calmly in reply before pulling herself onto the kitchen counter top.
"Don't you think that things might be a bit awkward between you two?"

Y/n's POV:

"I mean, I haven't really thought about it much." I lied. I hated lying, especially to any of the Rooneys and my brother (of course), but in this case I didn't know what to do. Liv pushed herself onto the counter and sat beside me. I was quite tall for my age so I was around about Maddie and Liv's height. Joey was taller and Parker was an inch or two taller than me. Diggie was way taller though, he was almost like a giant!

Before either of us could say another word, Parker's head shot up. His eyes darted around the room before they pointed at Liv and I. He smiled awkwardly and I did in return. I didn't want things to be awkward but I couldn't stop how it was... I'm glad I have Liv and Maddie by side. I would tell to my brother, but he wouldn't know what to say other than anything about Maddie.

Speaking of Maddie, the basketball hero herself came stumbling down the stairs 5 minutes later. She flopped down onto the couch and grabbed a blanket to curl up in. We walked in and stared at her in awe. She must be really tired for yesterday, I mean she did drink 8 cups of coffee so she would stay up for longer. She kept thinking she would fall asleep, so she kept drinking more and more until she was bouncing off the walls.

Parker rushed upstairs to get dressed, running into Joey on the way. I lifted up Maddie's head, then placed a soft pillow underneath before laying it back down. Joey on the other hand, was bursting with energy. I actually couldn't believe how excited he was.
"Good morning Joey!" Liv called out.
"Morning!" He responded. What caused his mood to be so bright?
"Why are you so energetic and perky today?" I asked, for once I was actually intrigued into his constant blabbering.

"I am going to a 'Space Werewolves' convention!" He cried out while walking into the kitchen and coming out with a waffle. I didn't even know they did those! Awe man, it's on the day I start filming... Maybe next year!
"I remember when I played Tristan in the 'Space Werewolves' movie! I was the true star of the show. But now, I'm starring in 'Voltage' and this time they promised to keep it in Steven's Point. That means there's 100% no way I'm leaving again! Liv called out as she sat on a chair beside where I stood.

"That explains the outfit. Honestly, I just thought you were having a 'bad sense of style' day or something." I laughed, knowing I used one of Liv's terms. He rolled his eyes and ran back upstairs. Parker came down a few minutes later, thankfully, he was wearing clothes he didn't just sleep in.

Since we were all ready, we went on our way.

Liv and Maddie | Parker Rooney x Y/N SmallsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant