Drift Away

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trigger warning: derealisation, eating disorders

Henry hits the ground before he comes to. If he had been aware of himself, he would have reached out a hand or stabilised himself a bit more, but instead he snaps to as he crashes into the cold ground.

'This is getting out of hand,' he murmurs pulling himself to his feet, wobbly but he'll be fine. He's here for a reason after all, he needs to be helpful. He can't mess up.

Coming back to the man's nest was always bittersweet, he was happy how far the Danger Force had come across but maybe a small part of him wondered what it would have been like if he had stayed behind. Maybe the idea of being a side kick would have turned out better than he had thought it would - he doubted himself too much as a leader.

Walking down the corridor to the main area, he switches on his phone sliding away the overwhelming amount of messages coming in. It never felt like he came back to Swellview at a good point anymore. It always felt like he came out here for selfish reasons. First with the TRUTH, then with Blackout, now this.

The phone goes back into his pocket, but the thoughts just linger. He just wished for a second he could switch his mind off, focus on the matter at hand. And while, he hadn't asked for a distraction at the time, he was grateful for this one. It was needed.

'Henry!? Good to see you!' Before he knows it Schwoz has pulled him into a hug. The small man patting his back as the blonde stands there, chewing his lip. Slowly, he drops his arms to his side and the hug breaks apart - he'll just play it off like normal.

'Schwoz, dude, it's been a couple months, hasn't it? Stuff's really gone to shit over here?' He chuckles as Schwoz leads the way forward - hands twitching slightly to his side, as he lets his arms hang there.

'Ray's been all over the place - you know how it can be -'

And it drifts off again as he feels himself wander forward, almost stumbling over his feet as he makes his way towards the group. Hugs and welcome backs as he settles on the couch. He finds himself only slightly tuning in the situation at hand as Ray moans about the phone calls again.

It drifts away, as he loses himself to his memories.

The figure sits at the opposite end of the table, as they begin to tuck into their meal as the pair sit down for dinner. There's silence. It's unbearable. He watches as he bites down on his nails, his eyes firmly glued on to the figure. The face it's distorted, but he can't help but feel as stressed as he did back then.

With the slightest movement, a fork is held loosely in his hand. He has no intention to move a muscle. The nerves had taken over. But he remembers to try as he watches himself shuffle in the chair.

Most nights had been like this recently.

It was unspoken, but the unspoken was killing them both. Neither wanted to give in, neither knew how to help the other. So the silence remained as neither wanted to be the first to give up.

Henry wanted to give up.

He despised the tension, he despised edging his way around the apartment to avoid them. He hated himself for wanting to give up.

So the pair remains in the usual pattern, the schedule that avoided each other.

And so he found himself alone in Dystopia once again.

So... I may finally have time to start writing again :O but do not get your hopes up that I will finish this story or anything, I'm just currently in the mood to write so here I am again. But if you do like it, be careful to check the triggers warnings at the top, cause I'm looking at more mental health pressures type scenarios in this fanfic. Of course, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully I will post one soon :)

Stay Safe,

theedangerdays Xx (they/them)

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