Internet Power

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trigger warning: derealisation

also i feel like i should add on that whenever something is in italics, it is a flashback or memory if that isn't coming also well enough already :) also as always stuff may not make sense at the moment but it will the further it goes along

Henry's phone starts buzzing in his pocket, to which he tries to disguise it but all eyes are on him already – Ray's glare in particular. So he pulls it out so which Miles begins bouncing from foot to foot as the name displays.

'Mika, she's calling me right now...' Henry slides up the message, as Ray grumbles to himself.

'Oh you pick up when she calls – that's refreshing...' but Ray's quickly shushed down by the boys as static begins to be heard. The sound on the other end is crackly, not only due to the buzzing of electricity but also the wind that rages on outside. However, Mika's voice just about comes through.

'Tell us your plan Twitler!'

She sounds confident, but it's quite obvious that it's a front, she seems frightened. The commotion only heightens, as it sounds like the girls struggling against what they could assume were constraints.

'I bet you he's drawing internet power –' Miles says slapping Bose excitedly on the shoulder as he leans further towards Henry, trying to hear every single word.

'Because I'm drawing internet power!' The group murmurs as Miles smirks, proud at his previous answer.

'In this day, everything is connected to the internet - I could control the internet itself –'

'You could control everything,' Mika's voice comes through barely as a whispers compared to the loud booming voice of Twitler.

It's as much as the group needs to hear as Henry turns off the call – shoving it quickly back into his jacket.

'We need to go now – we can't wait any longer. This could end really badly...' Henry stammers out, jumping off the couch turning to the group, 'Do we have a plan? Or are we just going in?'

'Fists always work –' Ray laughs, lifting up his arm to show off his muscles to the uninterested group.

'Good work, sir,' Bose says as he nods in approval looking at them closer.

'No, no – fists haven't always worked – what about using a bit of logic here –';

'Logic my fists, Kid –'

'That doesn't even make sense –'




'RAY! We can't go in with no plan! We could get someone injured; I will not lead people into another disaster!'

The cave goes silent, as Henry retreats back from the group, stumbling over his words and feet. His hands twitch at his side, never resting he slowly runs his fingers over the vibrating phone. It doesn't stop buzzing again – it never stops.

'You going to get that, kid?'

His thoughts ready to take over, as he struggles to stay present.

The hands of the figure wraps around him, pulling him closer to them. It's supposedly to feel comforting but it burns. The world had halted in that time as he watches the figure move their hand towards his neck, the hands closing in. It only takes a second for the world to end and then re start again.


Taking in a deep breath, he ignores the sinking feeling in his stomach and looks up to Ray. The man seems concerned, but not enough to alarm the others, but Henry can tell. And that what makes it so much worse.

For just a second, he feels nothing but burning as he pushes away the figure –

'I don't give a shit to what you've been through – did it even occur to you what you did to me?! What you put me through –' Henry's blood boils as slams them back, wanting to be completely free of their grip.

'Please Henry, we were friends once –'

'We were never friends! If you gave a shit about me, none of this would have happened –'


The words fill his mind, only for a second as he glares back, fists clenched.

'You should feel lucky that I don't kill you myself.'

'Henry?' A hand reaches on his shoulder. Ray stands in front waving his hand back and forth.

'We can go for fists; we don't have time for a plan. Let's go.'

The team follow suit. 

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