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Lavinia was the second most powerful woman in the palace. The first one was of course, Justine, the mother of the heir.
Jonathan was only twelve years old when all he could do was to follow her around and be fascinated by her, he believed one day he would marry her and she couldn't enjoy more the attention. Of course that was a lot of nonsense, his wife was named after he was born. But Lavinia accepted his feelings sometimes kindly laughing at him, but never too much not to hurt him. This lasted for some years and was taken for granted by her. She was the oldest of the whole group, four years older than the prince, all the children were always together playing around. Those who will grow up to become the most important and powerful nobles. Jonathan adored her and everyone around him knew it. However, it didn't seem to bother his mother that greatly discouraged any romantic experiences around her son. She thought it an innocent boy's crush and he would grow out of it in no time. And he did.

Lavinia was different to any other girl, she seemed to know exactly what to do and how to behave, she was untouchable and even grown men were slightly afraid of her, never an emotion out of place, never a word that wasn't carefully chosen. After years of showing off how sweet the whole thing seemed to her, she ended up falling for the beautiful prince to the point of obsession, the efforts Lavinia had to do to hide her impulses were huge and he knew that, and tolerated her. Wether be because he knew she was the one person who no matter what will never betray him, as the person of trust she was for him and his family, or because he knew of her true sufferings of loving him. He was most of the times soft on her, despite the resentment.
He respected her and even loved her, or so he thought. But having her spoiling over and over again every moment he longed with another girl that interested him, made him be cruel to her at times, and recently too often. The fact she took his virginity at a young age, made him hate her even more. Their interactions seen from outside were full of sweetness and politeness but paying attention to them,  the words and the looks they gave each other were sharp, people around them usually tended to disappear or find something else to do, and definitely refrained from making any comments or additions. There were exceptions of course, his sisters and mother, they were some of the very few people she didn't feel superior to, and they would never be afraid of her. Bella enjoyed making Lavinia see that she was keeping an eye on her when it came to her brother. Katrina on the other hand stayed out of it all, she found it too hard to see bad intentions in people, she was the conciliator.

A soft breeze made the prince look out through the window to the sky full of stars. Fingertips stained of ink, the thin slightly unbuttoned shirt, papers on the small desk by the window and those cold fingers sliding from his shoulders to his neck.

"When did...? I did not hear any steps" He thought to himself.

"Where's Chris?" a voice inquired.

"He left already, had an early meeting tomorrow"

Her hands moved down to his smooth chest and softly started rubbing him. Her satisfaction feeling his hard nipples through the white shirt put a slight smile on her face.

"Please, don't" he muttered.

But her left hand went up to his chin and made his face turn to the right where her thirsty lips waited his. And he couldn't resist. Lavinia always got what she wanted, and tonight, it was him.

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