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Benjamin. One year younger and so much already.

"Good morning..." The sweetest voice said.

The prince tried to reach him out with his hand.

"Please join me"

He said from the bed with his eyes still closed grabbing Ben by his arm.

"Ha ha, what are you saying? ...get up. We must be somewhere and I'm responsible for you"

"Did you want this? Have you ever thought about it seriously?" Jonathan asked.

"I don't believe I ever did think about it. My place was chosen even before you joined us in palace. Then I just knew we will always be together so that was all. I didn't plan what we are now. I know it was me who started, but..."


"What else do you want me to say? You do anything and everything you want. I never say a word. And if it is true I will finally be by your side at your wedding, basically giving you away and making sure everything is perfect for you and her. I don't know, I will do it better than anyone. I just think I never really considered that your wedding was happening for real, one day in the future. I mean I did, I just, I don't know...". Benjamin said as he turned a bit sad and confused.

"Look, I don't know what happened or what changed or if it is even real what my mother told me. She plays her games with us all as her pieces on a chess board. It might not even be happening, but if she hinted at it, it could be because something is making her think that the only way out is to marry me now".

"Ask her!"

"She'll never tell me and you know that. But I can tell you one thing. You and me, that's not going to change, we might just have to tell someone about it..."

"Someone like..?" Benjamin asked.



"Why not? I will never understand why we haven't so far. I know we kept secrets because we didn't even know what we were doing at first, but now it is different"

"Oh, yeah? How is it different?"

"I love you and you love me and that is never going to change"

"Until your mother finds us again"

"She won't find us, we are always careful and besides, she already forgot about the whole thing. She thought we were playing that time and it happened years ago anyway"

Jonathan referred to when his mother found them naked in bed hugging and kissing when they were only thirteen years old.

"She didn't forget, and as long as nobody else knows we will be fine. Do you understand?" Benjamin nervously asked.

"I know, but Chris is our best friend, he will always protect us, we can only trust us three for anything and everything. There shouldn't be any secrets between us."

Ben looked disappointed and started playing with his fingers on the embroidery of the bed sheets and said...

"Why did you have her here lastnight?"

Jonathan held his hand and looked at him closer as he sat on the bed. He put his left hand around his head near his right ear and kissed his face. He stayed there for a few seconds as Benjamin kept looking down, and then got up and walked away from the bed. When he came back washed and dressed he found Benjamin lying on the bed looking deep in thoughts. He suddenly noticed him...


"Yes. Let's go"

Jonathan said and got him off the bed slowly as he grabbed Ben's hand, Ben smiled.

"He smiles...If you only knew how happy you make me just by existing"

"I know" Ben responded.

"Do you?"

"I do, but that doesn't change how much I hate you sometimes"

Benjamin walked towards the door to the private hall that led into Jonathan's bedroom.

"You should update the names on the list for Thomas not to let anybody in" Ben recommended.

"I basically removed everyone, except you. But since that's actually your job, you can speak to Thomas. Still let my sisters come in as long as they come before five in the afternoon, not later"

"Yeah, yeah...I'll write color letters for everyone to remove their preferred day permissions" Ben said casually.

"Do it, either way they'll ask Chris about it, ha ha, not you, lately he sets up the restrictions because I'm behind with my documents and tasks"

"I'm sorry, I'd give them to someone else if there was anyone other than you who could translate them" Ben apologized.

"You know that is not true, they are confidential and his majesty wouldn't have them anywhere outside these rooms. Oh, have one of these, my sister got them for us, they are soft and sweet like you. Since I tried them, everytime I hold one in my hand I think of you, ha ha"

"Idiot" he said accepting the sweet mochi in his hand.

Ben stared at Jonathan's mocking smile as they both left the heir's private rooms to find the guards outside and in a complete change of attitude both gallantly walked away on the corridors to his majesty's meeting rooms.

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