New family

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"You're a Haruno! But you look way different from them!"

His words made your smile drop. You knew deep down you looked completely different from the rest of your "family". You thought about it every day and even told your parents about how you felt. They would always say the same thing. "Your differences are what make you better than any Haruno, it's what makes you stronger and you should be proud of it." You smiled at your dad's words.

"Umm yeah, I'm not actually their blood family they just treat me as one. I'm adopted.." The words stung you but you kept a smile on your face.

"Why didn't anyone adopt me when I had no family.." Naruto whispered lowly. He probably thought you couldn't hear him but you did.

"I could be your family.."



"of course! Starting today your my family"

"That means your new name is (Y/N) Haruno-Uzumaki" He laughed at his own joke.

"I love it", you spoke softly.

While you naruto continued to talk you completly forgot that school was still a thing and that you were really late. You and Naruto had been talking for a while and when you finally noticed you grabbed his hands and took off running.

"what are you doing!" he screeched


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