Blood Moonlight Sonata

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Zelda set the sleeping Eri down on the couch, and she joined Inko to watch Izuku and the Master Sword. The weapon's glow was pulsating, and from the Izuku was intently staring at it, they could tell the blade was 'talking' to its wielder. The blood moon had faded, but by the look on Izuku's face, it'd definitely done something.

"Where?" Izuku said out loud, the question directed at the sword, which then let out a series of pulses in reply.

 "...Okay, hold on." He carefully set the sword back in its scabbard and turned to his mother. "Mom, could I borrow your phone?" he asked, and after rifling around in her purse, she handed it to her son, who took  it. As Izuku's fingers touched the screen, he let out a long sigh.

"Ah. Sweet, convenient technology," he said, a dopey smile on his face, and Inko laughed softly. He opened the GPS app and began to fidget with the phone. He muttered bearings and directions to himself, before he settled on a location, and his eyes widened.

"That's... the Wild Wild Pussycats' place," he said. "I guess that would make sense, it is a forested area... I gotta go."

He picked up the Slate, which was sitting on the table, and walked into his old bedroom. Zelda followed. She found Izuku down on knee in the corner of his room, using the Travel Medallion to create a point he could return to once he was done with his impromptu 'mission.' He finished the process, leaving a circle made of intricate markings on the floor, made of incorporeal wisps that glowed with an ethereal blue light.

He hopped up from the floor and came face to face with Zelda. He noticed the expectant look in her eye.

"No," he said firmly.

"But-" she began to protest, but Izuku interrupted her.

"No, Zelda." His wife looked like a sad puppy, and it tugged on his heartstrings. He took a breath and continued. "I know, I promised to show you around my world, but you've been dealing with Ganon for over a hundred years. It's my turn now," He pleaded with her. "Next time- if there ever is is a next time- you can come with."

"I can-"

"I know you can take care of yourself, but I'm putting my foot down on this. We hunted monsters together didn't we? But if Ganon is involved, you're staying here."

"Fine," she said, defeated. Izuku knew he'd done the right thing, but he felt bad.

"Okay, you can come, but I reserve the right to send you back here, if we run into Ganon," he compromised, but Zelda shook her head.

"N-No, never mind, I'll stay, you're right," she said.

"You're sure?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, I'll spend some time with your mother, plus, you've got their divine gifts, right? You'll be fine."

Izuku smiled softly and got up and hugged Zelda, planting a quick kiss on his wife's forehead, who smiled back in return.

"I love you," Izuku whispered.

"Love you too."

Inko entered the room, to properly put Eri to sleep in Izuku's old bed. She entered the room, and almost jumped when she saw the glowing blue markings on the ground.

"You got a new quirk?" she asked, after composing herself.

"It's not a quirk," he said, as Inko tucked Eri into bed. He raised the Slate. "This thing lets me teleport, and that's a point I can warp to," he explained, pointing at the warp point he'd made. Inko nodded in understanding. Izuku turned back to his wife.

"Hey Zelda, if the Slate is really just ancient technology, do you think it's possible to rework or update the map in the Slate?" he asked, in an attempt to cheer her up. It worked, and her expression then showed excitement instead of disappointment.

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