the beginning and end of everything

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Preface. the beginning and end of everything

      the beginning and end of everything

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The Butterfly Effect is the theory that one small action or change can cause a large change farther down the road, that the single flap of a butterfly's wings can create a small amount of air big enough to cause hurricanes on the other side of the world. How strange it is to think about such a tiny creature being able to create such havoc?

How strange it is to that the decisions you make can have major effects on what happens in your life, and the world, next. Everything affects everything.

If a hurricane was in the form of a person, it would be Bridger Fitzgerald, the wings of the butterfly. A boy full of rage and ripped stitches. If you went around and asked about him they would all tell you the same thing; that Bridger was self destructive, self righteous, and dangerous (to himself, at least). A boy of only seventeen but with a lifetime of bitterness tucked away in his bones.

The Kook prince was a better name for him. He was an old money boy — the generational wealth of the Fitzgerald family dating back years and years all the way back to his great grandparents and passed along to his mother and father. The family practically bled green. Jana and Dawson Fitzgerald made a name for themselves as being owners of Fitzgerald Pharmacy, one of the many pharmacies in Kildare. On top of it, they were members of the extremely lavish country club, meaning everybody on Figure Eight knew who they were.

You could say that Bridger was spoiled but that wasn't a strong enough word. He allowed the money to go to his head as did all of the rich kids who lived on the island. Super rich kids whose parents weren't around enough. At the ripe age of nine years old, Bridger's father had raised him to be a man, to always be proud of who he was and to never let anybody make him feel ashamed. Now, he was seventeen and his teenage years were as golden as they could get. In his eyes, his very blind eyes, his life was perfect.

Until he was old enough to figure out that it wasn't.

They say that money can't buy happiness but it wasn't until a few years ago that Bridger realized it was true. The fighting between his parents became more clear, the became aware of how drained his mother was becoming and the violence of his father. But he chose to believe that nothing was wrong. His life was perfect. Crystal clear. Untouchable. What could possibly happen to ruin it?

Oh, how naive he was (poor young, stupid boy.)

When Bridger was twelve years old, the rumors of his father's affair broke out on Kildare Island. He wasn't sure how the rumor started or who started it for that matter, and the mother and son chose to not believe it for a while, until it came out to be true. A twenty year marriage flushed down the drain. At thirteen, Jana and Dawson got a divorce and the mother moved out of their house to the other side of Figure Eight. It was a messy divorce. Suddenly, Bridger was caught in the middle of their dynamic and he would stay with his mother at her new house on the weekends, his dad having prime custody of him (because it was his money, his house, and nobody dared to go against what Dawson Fitzgerald wanted – not even a judge).

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