
18 1 0


Hyora's pov

I look at Steve who was sleeping at my couch comfortably.

Don't get me wrong, my couch is super wide like a bed. It's comfortable that I slept on it some times when I'm too lazy to go upstairs.

I closed the door and plugged my earphone on before proceeding to walk to the park. I need to clear my mind for a bit. To stop my anxiety for overflowing.

I was thankful that the park was nearly empty. Only a couple who was flirting to each other annoyingly. I rolled my eyes at how noisy they are.I stroll over the last bench which was my favourite spot. Also the spot where things happened.

I sat there and leaned my head back to the bench.

I abruptly open my eyes when I heard a heavy breathing beside me. Speaking of things that happened in this spot. Why can't I have some normal problems?

I widen my eyes and pulled the earphone out of my ears when I saw the person beside me.

"D-daniel?" I called out.

He was looking directly at me like a creep. His forehead was full of sweat and he was panting heavily like he run so far away just to get here.

My body trembled in fear when I glanced down to his clothes.

He was covered with blood.

His hands whiped his forehead causing the blood on his hands to cover the area.

I backed over from him but he kept following me.

"Hyora right? Nice to meet you again. I was finding you these days and it seems like I only find you now. It upsets me you know? I'm a very impatient human and I do think that others don't like it when I'm very upset" He said innocently while crawling his way over me painfully slowly.

I fell fo the bench which made him smirk.

"You know the couple over there isn't so good tasting. They are bland and tasteless. Maybe you're different" He smiled widely.

My eyes widen even more that my eyeballs can literally fall off my eyes. I glanced at the spot where I saw the couple flirting to each other, they are now lying on the floor while bathing in their own blood.

The music in my earphones is so loud that i didn't even heard the terrified screams they both might have let out while Daniel tear them down.

He jumped over me but luckily I was fast enough to dodge it. I got up from my spot and tried to run as fast I can.

The ground below me shakes. I stumbled when I saw some large cracks. But I made it off by jumping.

"Help me!" I screamed so loud.

"No one can here you. And no one will hear you from now on" Daniel shouted behind me.

I continued running away from him. The ground was shaking a lot harder right now. I was loosing my sense of balance.

"Why run if you will get caught anyway?" He sang behind me.

The ground slightly bumped up and it made me fell. I hissed when I felt my knees scrap the ground so hard. The jeans I was wearing got ripped off and there's blood on my knees.

I look back at Daniel which I regret.

His eyes was so red like blood. It was the same eyes like Beomgyu the last time I saw him. A mutant.


"Mutants? Am I so busy that I don't even know about those creatures?" I laughed to myself. I set my coffee doown on the table and grabbed my laptop.

I immediately search about those things without any minutes wasting.

- A Human which have a random abilities. It could be Elements controller, Telekinesis, Gravity and many more. Mutants are also prohibited to roam anywhere because of certain and many reasons. Expert have studied that these mutants mostly show aggressions. If caught it's immediately locked down as Human is one of their main diet.

- A natural Human

- Red bloody eyes

- Aggressive type

- Don't like interactions with others

Wow, I never knew the world rotates around me contains think like this.

A memory of Beomgyu with glowing red eyes filled my mind.

A sudden flash of pictures of mutants who have red eyes filled my screen. I screamed out and slammed the laptop shut. Sweat drips down to my forehead and my hand is trembling.

So does that mean, He's a mutant?

End of Flashback

"D-daniel" I whimpered loudly.

He chuckled and approached me with slow phase. Purposely to increase my fear.

"I'm willing to hear your last words, go on" He said with a smirk.

My hand felt a stick. I used it to throw at his face which crushed mid-air even before it reached his skin. His smirk disappeared and turns into a pissed of face.

I screamed and run again. My legs is loosing strength, I don't know if I can run again if I escape this.

Suddenly, I'm lost of oxygen. I can't breathe. My body automatically stumble and my eyes was blurry. I heard a chuckled behind me. A very dark chuckle to be exact.

My tears finally find its freedom to roll on my cheeks. I held my throat while was choking on lack of oxygen. I felt like I'm gonna faint and that's the end of the line.


My head spun around and searched for the familiar voice. The voice that i was avoiding to hear for years.


My vision spins until I get dizzy enough to faint.

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