Ashura's Incarnation Arc - Chapter 5: Benefactor

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As I regained consciousness, I felt a strangely comfortable sensation behind my back, as if I were lying on a soft bed. What is this? Did I fall asleep on a pile of leaves in the forest or something?

"...Perhaps she's some sort of refugee," a woman's voice reached my ears, leaving me stupefied. Judging by the direction from which it came, she was watching over Asura's unconscious body. It didn't seem like Asura had awakened yet, but I, as her parasite, was still actively operating.

I was curious about my situation. Am I in trouble? Or have we been saved? What are her intentions?

Once again, I toyed with Asura's body by growing a miniature eye on her forehead to serve as my surveillance camera while her two main eyes remained inactive. I couldn't let her know I was awake yet.

「Hmm... HUH?!」

The moment I opened the miniature eye, I was met with the sight of a woman's beautiful face, so I closed it right away. Moreover, she seemed pretty young, perhaps around 18 years old?

But what the hell was she doing?

Ah, no, I mustn't dwell on it too much. She's just giving Asura a lap pillow.


All of a sudden, it seemed like her expression changed. It was as if she became very wary. Her gentle gaze quickly turned into observation.

Seizing the moment, I took control of Asura's body once again and shook her off. I put some distance between us.

"So you're awake, or are you that parasite who's controlling her right now?"

Before I realized it, the girl already had a fighting stance ready, with a glowing sword in hand. More importantly, how did she know?

"You can control your host's body, isn't that it? Let her go now."

I was ready to talk. I used the [Telepathy] skill to converse, along with the movements of Asura's lips. I couldn't help it since talking in telepathy felt confusing.

"I don't have any evil intentions, and she's allowing me to control her for our safety. State your identity." I explained, trying to ease the tension between us.

Her expression calmed down somewhat.

"...I'm Seven Clavery." She introduced herself cautiously.

"How did you know about my existence?" I inquired.

"I saw your status in this girl. And it said 'parasite', of course I would inquire about you after seeing that Mind Control skill." She responded, her tone sharp with suspicion.

The sword she wielded pointed its edge at me threateningly, adding an ominous undertone to our conversation.

"Lay down your sword. As I said, I don't have any ill intentions. I just want to protect this girl in order to protect myself." I urged, hoping to diffuse the tension.

She appeared lost in thought before finally lowering her sword, the weapon dissipating into tiny particles of light. It seemed like magic at work.

"So basically, you're selfishly protecting her to protect yourself, right? Then that makes sense. But are you going to control her forever?" She questioned, her tone skeptical.

"If you can see my status, that means you know I can't control her forever." I replied, acknowledging her point.

"Right, it does consume your mana after all." She acknowledged.

The two of us fell silent, the air heavy with uncertainty. But thankfully...

She's back.


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