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[Third Person]

Steve weaved through the crowd of men dressed in army uniforms, his boots slipping every now and then against the pebble side-walk.

He looked around with frantic blue eyes, his sight flickering over the dark-green trees that lined a straight, deep blue, almost black skyline. Grass-green tents ran endlessly along the tall trees, and men and women could be seen sitting inside those tents, pulling on their own boots or loading their horses and guns, the occasional muffled sob coming from the medic's tent not too far away from Captain Rogers. He didn't know who was creating those cries, but he could guess at who the cause of them were.

As he neared the tent with a brightly colored cross painted on its sides, he could see her dark blue uniform and long red pony-tail that shielded the gruesome amputation that was currently in progress.

Steve knew that it was over soon, she had been in that tent since dusk and it had almost been four hours, which was longer than the standard procedure.

He stopped at the flap, "Bree! Can I talk to you?" He called, grinning slightly when she whipped around.

"Captain Rogers! Sorry, I'm in the middle of something. Can it wait?" She asked with a slight smirk, holding up a bloodied needle.
Steve's smile widened as he gazed at Doctor Bree, her silvery eyes obscured by medium-sized glasses, her pink face covered in faint freckles and the odd pimple. Her pale bow-lips and her vibrant orangey-red hair. She was, to put it lightly, beautiful. The captain often found himself captured by her uncannily good-looks, entranced by a girl who he simply could not have.
"Steve? Can it wait, or is it urgent?" She brought Captain America out of his trance.

"No, this can't wait. Can one of the other nurses finish that?"

Bree nodded hesitantly,"Nurse Stan!" She turned around to call to a brown-haired lady, "I need to talk to Cap', would you mind finishing up the stitching?"

Nurse Stan glared at Bree, her piercing green gaze trailing from the girl to Steve and back to the girl.

"Of course, doctor." Stan replied with a fake smile, her green eyes twinkling with annoyance. Nurse Stan sauntered over to the body, snatching the needle out of Bree's hand with her gloved hand.

Bree rolled her eyes, slowly pacing towards Steve. "What did you want to talk about?"

"There's a rescue mission, a bunch of soldiers were taken and we need to bring them back. That includes Bucky. Peggy wants you to tag along with us, you think you're up to it?"

Bree drew a breath, "Steve, you know I'm not supposed to fight. Us women... We aren't supposed to go on missions, and Bucky's gone. He went missing and is presumed dead, okay? He's not alive."

"Are you scared?" Steve teased, a playful glimmer in his eyes.

"No. Of course not, 'cap, but it's really busy here, and I've never been on a mission before. I'd probably get shot down before we even make it near wherever we're going."

"Bree, you won't get shot down, we're just breaking into a HYDRA base. It'll be okay. You'll be okay, I promise. If I'm going, then you should go too."

"Steve, I swear to God, I am not going on that stupid rescue."

"Bucky would want you to go..." Steve sang, pushing her softly.

"Fine. If I get shot down, you'll be extremely sorry." She frowned, "What do I need to bring?"

"Change into your uniform, get your gun and load it with bullets. Stuff some bullets into your pocket, too, and strap on your muzzle. You might also want to get some bandages, and I'll meet you at the gate in fifteen." Steve stood straighter, looking like the captain he was.

Bree saluted him, before striding off to the womens' tent.


"Help!" A raspy voice called from the middle of a cold, metal room.

Bree, Steve, and some other soldiers stood in V-Formation, with Steve at the front to scout out any potential dangers. All Steve could see was a slanted upwards hospital-bed, a shadowed figure strapped down to it in the darn room.

Bree dropped her gun, "BUCKY?" She cried, before running towards the hospital-bed.

"Breetan! I thought I'd never see you again." His voice echoed off the walls, and Steve knew it was Bucky. He watched as Bree ripped off the straps that were holding Bucky down to the bed.

"Can you stand?" Bree asked, her soft voice echoing through the surprisingly large building.

Bucky started to scramble to his feet, "Of course," He smiled, planting a small kiss on her cheek and wrapping her in a hug.

Steve started to walk towards the two, grinning softly. When he was a few steps away, he coughed, and Bucky let go.

"Steve!" He gasped, "I thought you were smaller! What happened?"

"I'll explain later, let's go." Steve laughed softly, before dragging the two love-birds out of the room.


The soldiers, tripled in size, marched out of the building in V-Formation, their guns raised high.
Rain pelted from the darkening sky, the moon high above them. Shadowed trees dulled their sight, the rain slamming against the cold, hard ground and thunder boomed overhead, muting their hearing mildly.
They would have never seen or heard the first bullet fly through the sky, hitting a tall, bearded man in the arm.

Steve's breath was loud as the team dropped to the ground, his eyes wide as he saw soldiers grow limp, covered in crimson blood. He started to crouch, and then get to his feet, still shooting the enemies. Through his peripherals he saw his team follow his own movements, and he watched as Breetan let out a wounded battle-cry, sheathing her long dagger.
"Steve, Buck, I can see them!" She yelled over the deafening noise through shots, "I'm gonna... I'll hold them back, alright? You two... Both of you, get everyone out of here! And Barnes, I... I love you!"

"It's not safe, Bree!" Steve and Bucky shouted back in unison.

"I don't care! I'll hold them back! Run!" She barked, and Steve started to help his allies onto their feet, running off in the other direction.

Steve shot up, panting hard. Cool sweat dripped down his forehead as he gathered his surroundings, still slightly dazed from his night-mare.
Shadows loomed around every piece of furniture, making it difficult to separate what was actually there and what his brain was creating, but he knew that he was awake and in his small bedroom aboard the HeliJet.
Sighing, Captain Rogers leaned over to his bedside table and switched on his small, grey lamp, the golden light chasing away the shadows.
Now that he could see everything, he glanced around. A tall, matte-grey wardrobe was facing the single sized bed he was lying on. A desk, the same dreary grey as the wardrobe, was parallel to his bed, and a high-tec, locked door was next to the cluttered desk.
He could hear someone pounding on his door, a muffled shout every now and again leaking through the supposedly sound-proof door.
Hesitantly, Steve left his warm bed and made the short trek to his door, unlocking and pulling it open.
Bucky's stoic figure greeted him, his metallic arm raised to knock once more.
"Hey, Buck." Steve mumbled incoherently, still half-asleep.

"Steve, it's your turn to watch her. She's in the med-bay with Peter, he'll tell you what to do should she wake up." Bucky drawled, stifling a yawn.

"Alright. Thanks, Buck." Steve replied, turning back into his room to change.

That was chapter three! It is unedited, so please point out any mistakes/plot holes etc, I really appreciate it :)

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