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No trigger warnings for this chapter unless your triggers are the names of some mental disorders. Sorry for this chapter, I got really into the first few paragraphs and I kinda like them so they're staying.

[third person]

The sun had risen two hours before Breetan had been brought out of her memory-induced trance.
Bucky knew that this, and the future problems she would encounter, would arise from the lack of HYDRA's memory wipes and drugs they always pumped into assassins- He'd been through the insomnia, depression, OCD (although he still took meds for it,) personality changes, and the emotional Roller coaster that had almost caused him to murder captain Rogers in cold blood. He was no longer the Bucky Barnes who had often nurtured Steve back to health. He wasn't the fun, adventurous and extra-sassy Bucky that Steve had grown to love. He had grown to accept the fact that he was, put simply, a murderer- A machine engineered to slaughter enemies without a single thought. Bucky knew that Breetan was going to go through the same things. Breetan wouldn't be the giggly, kind, accepting girl that Bucky had adored and Steve had half-loved decades ago- It was quite impossible, with the bipolar disorder she would almost certainly be plagued with, alike the many failed assassins and him.

He knew that Bree remembering her past could be life-threatening, especially after HYDRA had sealed the memories closed, unable to access them with the multiple Wipes and the personality-changing drugs. It was possible that she would be fine, of course, because this was just her first night of memories and the first was always the hardest, and she might end up remembering everything and being a-okay (even though Bucky still had more than one lost memory and it had been more than a year since Steve had found him,) but it was more than likely that she could become suicidal after remembering all the crimes she committed, or become depressed should she learn of her past. But, despite all of that, Barnes sensed -Barnes knew- that she was capable of being an Avenger.

He knew that she was a hero locked inside a villain's cage, a ghost of the hollowed shell that HYDRA had taken and beaten and drugged and fixed and trained to turn it into the almost perfect villain- But, just like Steve had taught Barnes, every villain has the blood of a savior within their veins. Every monster and all its demons could still become human, although human isn't all that it's cracked up to be. And in the end, she would be okay. Sure, she is and will always be broken, a forgotten vinyl that will never again play smoothly when placed on the record player, but she'd be capable of living. Hopefully, capable of joining the Avengers, or at least S.H.I.E.L.D..

When she finally arose of the trance, her eyes were blood-shot and tears stained her ghostly skin. Her orange hair was a birds'nest and her glasses sat lopsided on her nose. She was shaking, from the cold or from her memories he was still yet to find out, but she was no longer speaking gibberish.
She apologized twice for keeping him up so late, leaving the bedroom with a change of clean clothes to the bathroom, no doubt to wash herself and dress.
Bucky's thoughts were slowed from the night without sleep, but he still managed to go downstairs to learn that Steve was back at headquarters with a strange bout of the flu whilst downing a cup of coffee mixed with vodka.

I hope you enjoyed chapter eight!
It's a filler bc wattpad deleted the chapter and I was too lazy to re-write more than six-hundred words (before it was deleted I had about two thousand ('・Д・)」)
Next chapter will be longer (and better) so yeah

Thanks for reading (^з^)-☆

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