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[Trigger warning: Fighting.]

[Third person]

"What do you remember about HYDRA?"

Breetan blinked, taken back by the question.

She fidgeted in the uncomfortable wooden seat, were she sat in front of a messy oak-wood dining table, facing the stern Captain Rogers.

"Nothing." She answered, her eyes never leaving the fixed point just below his eyes. "I remember nothing."



"The crimes?"



"No, sir."

"Okay. Do you know who you were before?"

"No. I've always been an assassin."

"That's what Bucky said too." Steve sighed, his eyes soft. "Can I tell you who I think you were before HYDRA?"

"I was always an assassin. There is no 'before.'" Breetan growled, her eyes as hard as steel as they shot up towards his blue ones.

Steve glanced around the dining room- Picture frames lined the flaking, brown wall-paper, a small table beside the door on his left cluttered with drawings.

"You used to be miss Breetan Mack." Steve's eyes trailed back to Young Blood's. "A nurse in World War Two. You were Bucky and my best friend. Well, more than best friends in Buck's case- He and you used to do everything together, he even managed to talk you into going to war. Us three, we were inseparable. You never went anywhere without us, and we, you." Breetan shifted in her seat, visibly uncomfortable. "But then, one day you and I were on a rescue-mission, and we were ambushed. Thanks to you, everyone survived. Everyone but you, because you decided to sacrifi-,"

"Stop." Breetan glared at him, "Shut the f*** up. I don't want to know. I was always, always a HYDRA agent. Okay?"

"Bree, I know the change from HYDRA is difficult, but the only way you'll get back to normal... The only way Bucky became vaguely normal... You've got to embrace the truth."

"Stop!" Breetan half-yelled, getting out of her chair. "I am the Young Blooded Killer. I could rupture your kidney with my middle finger. I am a trained assassin, not some... War-fighter!"

She bit her lip, steadying herself. She readied for the slap that was surely going to come, or perhaps the bullet that could rip through her flesh, muscle and bone.

"Talk to me when you want to know who you were." Steve grumbled coldly, leaving Breetan standing in the dining room, shocked at the lack of punishment.


[First person]











As my foot collided with agent Romanoff's abdomen, she swung at me, narrowly missing my stomach as I stepped sideways, my body turning on a slight angle.

We were fighting with small, metal poles- A poor excuse for weaponry, but without a lab or makeshift hospital, it was necessary and ideal instead of guns and knives. This still annoyed me, however. I much preferred the clean swings and easy usage that knives provided, or the slight weight of a gun that did its job effectively and efficiently.

I knew how to use other weapons well, meaning that most objects could become deadly within a matter of seconds, however, and this made fighting with flimsy sticks made of stainless steel easier.

Natasha broke her natural way of fighting- A visibly choreographed and memorized set of swings, ducks and dodges, - when she rammed the pole into my stomach a second time, forcing me to bend over. She then knocked the middle of my back, forcing my shoulder-blades to expand, letting my wings unfold.

I straightened up, too busy to do anything about the way they were constricted against my back by the jumper, and swung at agent Romanoff with a yell.

She, like me, had noticed the fighting pattern, and immediately tried to change it up, dodging and ducking less and less while swinging and kicking more and more, leaving me forced to outlast her.

I knew I'd fought someone like this before. The same style of fighting, soundless. Lethal.

I dodged several more times, knowing that if I don't aim a good blow I wouldn't win. And that was punishable. Death.

I took a low swing at Natasha, hitting her in the knees- Forcing her to buckle over.

I then rammed it into her stomach, cutting off her breath.

She didn't get up.



"Does Winter know Russian?" Tony asked absentmindedly, his eyes fixated on an old TV's screen.

I stared at the TV, smirking slightly as Tony and Bruce's Mario Cart characters crashed into each other.
The stiff, yellowing sofa sunk as I sat, abandoning the small patch of carpeted floor I had been standing on.
"Yes," I muttered in Russian, "Why wouldn't I?" I asked, switching to English.

"Well," Stark started, his attention slightly compromised by the video game, "Didn't Coulson want us to... Y'know... Interrogate her? I read somewhere that interrogations work better in the persons' first language."

"Yeah, believe it or not, Tony, she's not Russian, she just doesn't know she's not yet." I replied, "Where's Parker?"

"He wasn't assigned to keep the little bundle of happiness." Tony rolled his eyes, "He's got some weird mission in Australia or something. Coulson won't tell me, but give JARVIS a few minutes and he'll find out where."

"You remember what happened last time JARVIS was told to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s base, right?" Asked doctor Banner.

"Ah yes, Fury started fighting with us, Katniss broke into the Helicarrier and freed Reindeer Games. Good times." Stark nodded with a cocky smile, hitting Bruce's Mario Cart character with a red shell. Bruce yelled in surprise.

"Where's the girl? And where's Nat?" Steve asked as he entered the room, chewing on a ripened, speckled apple.

"Sam's looking after Bree." Tony grumbled. "They're probably on the roof or cleaning out the garage. I dunno. Nat's gone out to buy some pretty dresses or something, too."

Steve didn't say anything, but left the warm room. I didn't know where he went, but I knew he scaled the wooden staircase.

"It's extremely hot in here, don't you think?" Bruce asked, overlapping Tony's Mario character.

"Hot damn." Tony grumbled, coming last in the race.

That was chapter six! I hope you enjoyed!
I know it's shorter than the rest of the chapters, sorry. I'm gonna update the other fanfic (Second Hand Smoke) before this one, k?
(Excuse my crappy characterization, I am the worst at it.)
If there's any mistakes, grammar, plot-wise, or spelling-wise, please feel free to comment and tell me where I went wrong, thank you! <3
Thanks for reading!!

When I Leave [bucky barnes ≫ the avengers]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant