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[Third person]
Water ran down Breetan's skin, her fingers digging hard into her scalp as she lathered in shampoo, trying desperately to rid herself of the previous night's events. The memories refused to trickle down the drain, forcing her mind to be torn apart by her -strangely willing- actions. The so-called "peach"-smelling soap refused to wipe away all the blood that stained her ghostly skin, the irritated skin turning blotchy and pink. She had been in the shower for God knows how long, attempting to set her mind free of the trouble she'd caused. The hot water had ceased to pour long before Breetan turned off the shower, no doubt becoming problematic towards whoever needed to use it after her, but she didn't feel any regret for that.

The regret she felt was for the homicides. The thefts; and, more importantly, the lies HYDRA had planted into her mind.

"Hurry up, Breetan!" A hand slammed against the old oak door, leading her to hastily run her towel through her oily, knotted hair and to slide her overly obnoxious glasses onto her face.
Still inside the locked bathroom, she slid on a pair of spare jeans that she'd found in her and Natasha's split bedroom and a long-sleeved shirt, having forgotten Natasha's sweater in their room, Breetan shakily unlocked and exited the bathroom, leaving Bruce to do what he needed with the painfully cold water.

The corridor was thick with the hollow smell of burning wood, a smell Breetan had only became familiar with a day ago. She strode slowly through the corridor, cluttered with doors and tables covered in drawings that had undoubtedly been drawn by a small child, desperately straightening them up as she walked down the haphazardly broken staircase, littered with Clint's "fixtures"- a habit obviously picked up from his fatherly instincts.
Her eyes traced the lines that ran parallel on the mismatched cream-colored door. An alien smell wafted through the bottom level of the family-home, the unfamiliarity gleaming out at her as she ever-so slowly made her way into the kitchen.

"Anyways, what happened with our wayward machine, hmm?" The billionaire, Tony Stark, asked, gnawing off a chunk of sandwich. He leaned nonchalant on a brown bench, ignoring Clint's cries from the other room, staring at Bucky as he sipped steaming coffee, despite it being early in the afternoon.

"Dunno. My guess is Post Traumatic, though- Nat said that it was like mine." Bucky said through a yawn, "Is Steve okay?"

"FitSimmons's running tests, but he seems to have gotten over the flu moments after being flown to base. Their guess? The snow. My guess? Loki."

"Loki?" Breetan asked, her thick accent masking his name slightly as she entered the room fully.

"Wayward! I need to talk to you.." Tony exclaimed, seemingly out-of-character for his naturally cocky persona.

"Don't change the subject, Stark. Who is this Loki?" She asked, silver eyes dark with annoyance. She chewed on her lip whilst waiting for the answer, abnormally afraid.

"The first enemy that us Avengers fought... Together... If it's Reindeer Games causing Cold Rock's sickness, and I'm sure it is, then his brother, Thor, is all over it." Tony frowned, "Now, if you'll come with me, we need to talk."

"Umm... Okay...?" She murmured softly, adjusting her glasses so that they weren't sitting on the end of her nose.
Tony led her into the small laundry, closing the door so all that accompanied them was the soft hum of the washing machine, purple laundry hamper, packet of assorted animal-feed and a clothes dryer.
"Everyone but Bruce, Clint, Nat, Buck, and I have gone to find a HYDRA base that was seemingly located within New York. Nat's been scoping the nearest town for a few days, looking for any potential HYDRA agents, and has came back with no evidence of HYDRA even knowing of the town. So, with that ne- Are you listening?" Tony exclaimed, staring at Breetan as she hastily stacked a large pile of dress-shirts ontop of the rumbling washing machine. She looked up with wide eyes, nodding hastily.

"Yes. Sorry, do go on." She chewed a lip, glancing over at the almost perfectly folded shirts, as Tony continued to speak.

"Sure? Okay. So, since red-back believes that the nearest town is free of HYDRA activity, we can finally take you out. Y'know, get you involved with the whole 'flu' trend- It's really quite popular now-a-days. We've spoken to S.H.I.E.L.D, and they agree that it'd be best for you to go out with another agent -In this case, Winter and maybe Clint,- to become familiar with the world as we know it. Perhaps get some groceries, too, we're running out of poptarts and milk. Think you'd like to get out of the house?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure. I- I mean, yes, sir."

"Yes, call me sir, I'm totally the leader of the Avengers. C'mon, Katniss's getting restless and Mr Anything-You-Can-Do-I-Can-Do-Better couldn't care less." Stark rolled his eyes, opening the door and leading Breetan out of the cramped laundry.

and that was my pathetic show of foreshadowing. hip hip hooray. hope y'all enjoyed <3 thanks for 1.2k reads, i really appreciate it <333333 love y'all!

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