loop one: a dangerous mission! journey to the land of wave

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naruto has the same hairstyle as gohan in dragon ball z in the buu saga because he just took a haircut.
naruto, videl, sakura and sakura are in a mission.

"naruto here at point a!" naruto says in radio while wearing a radio.

"videl here at point b!" videl says in radio while wearing a radio.

"sasuke here at point c!" Sasuke says in radio while wearing a radio.

"sakura here at point d!" sakura says in radio while wearing a radio.

"okay, the seventh squad... hm?!" Kakashi asks and he saw the target. "the target has moved! follow it!" team 7 follow thr target.

"what's your distance from the target?" Kakashi asks in radio while hiding and while  wearing a radio.

"five meters! I can go at anytime!" Naruto says in radio while hiding and while wearing a radio.

"I'm ready, too!" videl says in radio while hiding and while wearing a radio.

"I'm ready too!" videl says in radio while hiding and while wearing a radio.

"me, too...!" sakura says in radio while hiding and while wearing a radio

"okay... do it!" Kakashi says and team 7 jump and naruto got the target and the target is a cat.

"I got him!" Naruto says while holding a cat and while wearing a radio and the cat try to scratch naruto but Naruto hold the cat far from his face.

"doss he have the ribbon on his right ear...? are you sure it's our target tora?" Kakashi asks in radio.

"it's the target, no mistake." sasuke says in radio while wearing a radio.

"alright, the mission to capture lost pet tora is complete!" Kakashi says in radio while wearing a radio.

"isn't there a mission with a greater sense of urgency?!" Naruto asks loudly angrily in radio while holding tora and while wearing a radio and tyey went to the hokage to report the mission.

"ohhh! my cute tora! I was worried to death!"" madame shijimi says while hugging tora and videl laughs.

"serve him right, that stupid cat!" videl says.

"no wonder he ran away..." sakura says.

"now then. the next mission for kakashi's seventh squad is..." 3rd hokage says while holding a paper while reading he read the paper. "an errand to the neighboring town... to baby-sit the chief councilor's boy... 3rd gokage was interrupted by naruto.

"noooo!" Naruto interrupt. no, thank you! as for me, I want to do like a mote exciting mission! give us something else!"

"yeah, this mission sucks!" videl says in her head.

"he's got a point..." Sasuke says in his head.

"man... he's a pain! sakura says in her head.

"I thought it was about time for him to get fretful..." Kakashi says in his head.

"you fool! you're still bottom rookie! at the start, everyone moves up the ladder by gainingexperience from simple missions!" iruka yells.

"it's been nothing but just repugnant mission so far!" Naruto argues and videl slam naruto to the ground.

"knock it off!" Kakashi says.

"Naruto! its necessary to explain to you what a mission is... listen to me! request pour into the village every day. they range from babysitting to assassinations... a wide spectrum of requests are recorded on the request list... they are separated into S, A, B, C, and D ranks in order of difficulty. in the village, everyone below me is divided up by ability in the order of jonin, chunin, and genin. we at the highest level distribute the request as missions to ninja who have abilities that suit said mission. and, if the mission is successful, the fee comes in from the client. nevertheless, you guys have just become genin... rank D is about the best you can do..." 3rd hokage says and he notice that naruto wasn't listening at all.

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