loop one: the land where a hero once lived

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sakura is yawning In a bridge while tazuna and his friends is building the bridge.

"it looks like you've got some time to kill there all by yourself." tazuna says while walking and while holding a big metal bar and he asks "what happened to the black hair body, the girl and that stuck up boy?"

"they're in the middle of the tree-climbing training." sakura says.

"you don't have to do that?" tazuna asks while walking and while holding a big metal bar.

"I'm exceptional, so Kakashi sensei told me to guard you." sakura says and tazuna stopped.

"really?" tazuna asks while holding metal bar and sakura gets annoyed.

"what?!" sakura asks angrily in her head and an old man walked to tazuna.

"you got a minute, tazuna?" giichi asks while walking.

"Huh? what's up, giichi?" tazuna asks.

"Uh, actually... I gave it a lot of thought, building this bridge... will you let me quit?" giichi asks.

"why so suddenly l? not you too?!" tazuna yells.

"tazuna, I've had a bond with you from the old days. I'd like to cooperate, but if we push it too far, Gato will set his sights on us, too. also... if you get killed, everything is lost!" giichi says and he asks "why don't you just stop building the bridge?"

"not a chance... this is our bridge. this is the bridge that everyone in town has built believing that it would generate distribution and transportation for this poor land of waves that has few resources." tazuna says.

"but if it goes so far as to take our lives..." giichi says.

"it's already afternoon..." tazuna says and he walked to him and says "Let's call it a day." he started to walked away.

"tazuna!" giichi says.

"giichi... you don't have to come back tomorrow." tazuna says and he walked away.

(time skip with Naruto, videl and sasuke)

"damn it!" videl says.

"what the heck is up with this?" videl asks.

"I will master this!" videl says in her head.

"yes, I totally gotten rusty with Chakra." Naruto says in his head and the three of them run up to a tree.

(with sakura and tazuna)

sakura and tazuna are walking.

"sat, where are we going?" sakura asks while walking and while wearing a backpack.

"I was asked to get some ingredients for dinner on the way home..." tazuna says while walking and while holding a bag and while wearing a hat and they see a person holding a writing says will do any kind of work.

"thief!" man yells.

"what's up with... this town?" sakura asks while walking and while wearing a backpack and a few minutes later they arrives.

"we're here..." tazuna says while walking and while holding a bag and while wearing a hat and they enter the store.

"there's hardly anything here..." sakura says in her head while wearing a backpack  and a man see sakura backpack and she went to grab it but the man accidentally grab sakura ass and she kick the man and she yells "you pervert!!"

"You're wrong..." thief says and they leave the store.

"man, I was really surprised earlier." tazuna says while walking and while holding a bag and while wearing a hat.

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