loop one: the forest of chakra

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Kakashi just woke up and is in a bed and in inside of a house.

"it seems I've overused my sharingan..." Kakashi says in his head and tsunami  walked to him.

"are you alright, sensei?" tsunami asks.

"not really... it will be hard Judy to move for about a week..." Kakashi says while struggling to move.

"it would be better if you didn't move for a while." tsunami says.

"okay..." Kakashi says and he get back to the bed and team 7 and tazuna walked to them.

"hey! sensei awake." videl says.

"come on! your sharingan is fantastic, but if it puts that much of a strain on your body, it may not be worth it!" sakura says while walking.

"sorry..." Kakashi apologize.

"but you know... he did take down a real powerful ninja like that! we probably don't need to worry for a while." tazuna says.

"anyway, that kid with the mask... what was he?" sakura asks.

"he was an ANBU black ops from the hidden mist village. it's a mask that the elite ninja tracking unit wears." Kakashi explains.

"the elite ninja tracking unit?" sakura asks.

"they're commonly called the fire extinguishing corps, and their duty is to erase all traces that a ninja ever lived. the body of the ninja reveals a variety of things... ninjutsu secrets and Chakra characteristics which permeate the ninja of their village... the composition of secret medicines used on a ninja's body... for instance, if I were to die, every secret about my sharingan would be investigated throughly, and in the worse case, there's a danger that my entire jutsu could be stolen. in other words, tracker ninja are specialists that prevent village secrets from leaking out by killing rogue ninja who've run away from their village, and completely eliminating their bodies." Kakashi explains.

(with the tracker ninja and zabuza)

the tracker ninja is preparing to treat zabuza injuries.

"first, I'll cut the mouth cloth and have him spit up blood..." tracker ninja says and she was about to cut zabuza mouth cloth but zabuza grab his hand.

"it's alright." zabuza says and he open his mask and he says "I'll do it... myself..."

"what?" tracker ninja asks and he says "you've already come back to life..." zabuza get back up.

"darn, you really are tough..." zabuza says and he pull the needle off.

"you too, zabuza. please don't pull then out so violently or you really will die." tracker ninja says.

"how long do you plan on keeping that shady-looking mask on?! take it off!" zabuza says.

"it's a relic from the past, and it's been handy for trickery..." tracker ninja says and he take off his mask and be says "but if I hadn't rescued you, you certainly would have been killed."

"if you were going to put me into a state of a apparent death, you didn't need to aim for the secret opening my neck. you really a nasty one." zabuza says and he put his mask back on.

"it couldn't be helped... besides, I didn't want to mark up your immaculate body. and also, I can aim more accurately on the point on the neck where there's not much muscle." tracker ninja and zabuza try stand up but can't and he says "you'll be numb for about a week and won't be able to move. but since you're zabuza, perhaps you'll soon be able to move..."

"You're so innocent, smart, and untainted... that's what I like about you." zabuza says and the tracker ninja blushes.

"I am, after all, still a child. the fog has lifted." tracker ninja says and he stand up.

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