loop one: battle on the bridge! zabuza returns

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everyone is in tazuna house except for naruto.

"good morning!" sakura says whole walking walking she yawns.

"here." tsunami says and she put the plate at the table.

"thank you." videl says.

"Naruto didn't come back last night, either?" tazuna asks.

"he's such a fool, he's been out every night, climbing trees. he might be dead from using too much Chakra." sakura says.

"I wonder if Naruto's okay. to think a child's in the middle of the night." tsunami says while holding a bowl.

"Well, you don't need to worry. although he may not seem to be, he's a full fledged ninja." Kakashi says.

"I wonder... that idiot's probably all pooped out right about now." sasuke says and he get off his seat and he started to walk away.

"sasuke?" sakura asks.

"I'm going for a walk." sasuke says.

"but we're about to eat..." sakura says and sasuke walked away and she see sasuke's plate.

"that was fast!" sakura says and she raised a eyebrow.

(with naruto)

Haku walked to naruto and he started to wake naruto up.

"you'll catch a cold if you keep sleeping here." Haku says while shaking naruto and Naruto wakes up.

"Who're you?" naruto asks while holding the kunai.

"Uh... did you wake me up, sis? I mean, what're you doing here?" Naruto asks while holding the kunai.

"I'm gathering medicinal herbs." Haku says.

"herbs?" Naruto asks while holding the kunai.

"yes. for healing injuries, sickness and the like." Haku says and naruto help him gather herbs.

"you got a lot to do early in the morning, sis..." naruto says.

"you, too." Haku says and he asks "what're you been doing in a place like this so early?"

"training!" Naruto says.

"could it be that... you're a ninja or something? what's with that headband and..." Haku asks.

"is that what I look like? is it? yes! I'm a ninja." Naruto says.

"no kidding. you're great, aren't you." Haku says

"but.. why are you training?" Haku asks.

"as for me, I want to get stronger!" Naruto says.

"but, you already look strong enough." Haku says.

"no, no! I want to get even stronger!" Naruto says.

"what for?" Haku asks.

"to become the strongest ninja in my village! I'm going to get everyone to recognize my strength! and I have to prove something to a certain person!" Naruto says.

"is that for the sake of somebody? or is it for your own sake?" Haku asks.

"Huh?" Naruto asks and Haku chuckles.

"what's so funny?!" Naruto asks.

"do you have somebody precious in your life?" Haku asks.

"when a person has something precious they want to protect... that's when they can truly become strong." Haku says and naruto thinks about his friends and family.

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