Chapter 1

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Tabitha was flying. Flying in the only way that people could—in dreams. She swooped and glided far above the rolling, emerald fields. So high she could taste the clouds. Smooth vanilla. Hey, it was her dream. If she wanted clouds to be edible, they'd be edible.

She grinned, relishing the feel of the wind lashing through her long, dark red hair. She felt for that wild, white hot ball of energy in her core, and made it burn even brighter. She put on a burst of speed to fly faster to get to her favorite place—the castle near the endless ocean.

She'd seen that water when it's been green after storms, thrashing and gray, brown from dirt and sand, but the bright blue speckled with sunlit diamonds was her favorite.

The only thing more spectacular than the gem glazed ocean, was the palace that stood beside it. Both massive and graceful, it towered beside the water. The front of the castle was surrounded by a series of colorful gardens, the flowers always in bloom, even in winter. Behind the palace was pure beach. A generous expanse of white sand giving way to today's gentle waves.

The building itself was white brick that shone iridescent in the sun, making the palace appear more like glass than the stone it was. A tower marked each corner of the building. Windows were delicately arched, and battlements surrounded the middle floor. Strong, yet elegant. In the very middle of the structure was a glass dome. Tabitha wished she could go inside. What was it? A sun room, atrium, luxurious pool surrounded by an indoor jungle? Attic dungeon (if such a thing existed)?

She sighed, knowing focusing on the dome meant she was about to—She gasped, jolting upright in her bed as the alarm on her phone blared next to her. Tabitha—Cat, as her clients called her, fumbled for the device that consistently tore her away from exploring her dream castle, and knocked it right off the bedside table.

"Butterscotch chips." No one could make sweets sound as dirty as she could. Cat had the mouth of a sailer, but the heart of a servant. Her clients were trying hard to reform her mouth to match her innards. It's been mildly successful. At times.

At $1 per curse word, she's paid her clients $287 dollars. At least it would pay for a fun Christmas party...since it was only March.

Cat reached down and grabbed her phone—5 AM.

After dressing in her workout clothes, she walked to her kick boxing class. Kick boxing, lifting, running, yoga—she loved it all. Moving and stretching her body felt as natural as flying in her dreams. In her dreams, where she was Tabitha, not Cat.

She took her usual spot in the room and let her body take over while her mind drifted. She'd dreamed of that land each night for the past several months. The first time, she'd felt a strange sense of deja vu. Now, she knew the land almost as well as her own home. Though she'd never touched the ground. It had taken her a couple weeks to explore the land further from the palace. A quaint village was about three miles away, and homes and farms were spread out, with plenty of breathing room in between. Unlike her current home, where everyone practically lived on top of each other.

Her instructor transitioned into a fast uppercut, hook combo. Cat's arms burned, which she welcomed. The woman next to her threw her arms in the air. "Uncle."

Cat laughed, invigorated.

"Jog it out! You can do it!" The instructor was a 20 something bleach blonde goddess who was always cheerful, and had a never ending well of energy. Bitch.

She was also Cat's best friend.

"Side kick, forward kick, side kick. 10 more times!" Kiki's legs lashed out like lightening strikes. "Right side."

Everyone whooped in relief as Kiki moved into cool down stretches, and then finally, prone breathing.

Kiki popped up. "Great work everyone! We'll see you Wednesday. Have a happy Monday!"

 Groans followed as the group filtered outside.

Kiki walked up to her. "Nice work, Kitty Cat."

"Back at ya, Keeks. Though I think you almost maimed the lady next to me."

She laughed. "She's new. She'll get the hang of it. Sooo. What's the plan for tonight?"

Shi...take mushrooms. "No plans. Just working. Why?"

Kiki's eyes went buggy. "It's your 30th birthday. We have to do something."

Cat sighed. "Dammit. You don't have to remind me. My knees creaking as I got out of bed alerted me. They actually sang me 'Happy birthday' as I got ready. Twice."

Her friend barked a laugh. "It's only downhill from here. But seriously. We are going to do something. So be thinking about it."

Cat rolled her eyes. "Fine, I give. Let's get Mexican. I could go for a peach margarita."

"Perfect. I'll invite a couple people."

Her eyes narrowed. "So long as one of those people doesn't have a penis hoping for a home."

"Temporary home."


She held up her hands. "Hotel stay?"


"He's super fun, and very hot. Just meet him, no pressure. Pleeeeaaase."

Cat capped her water bottle. "Fine, but if he's a douche, you're buying me three margaritas." Kiki held out a hand, "deal," and they shook on it.

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