Chapter 2

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Cat drove to her first meeting of the day pretty damn happy. Jack was one of her favorite clients (though technically they all were). Her job as a Child Support Worker for Children's Division was equally rewarding and devastating. She had a large variety of children in different situations on her caseload: some in foster care, some with 24 hour supports, a small handful in level 2 lockdown facilities, and one in their natural home. Later today, she had an intake meeting for a second child still with their family.

 The child showed signs of psychological disturbance. It was her job to make sure he was in a safe environment and linked to the supports he needed to be safe and successful at home and in his community. 

Cat parked in the street in front of Jack's home. Jack was a sixteen year old with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). She'd been working with Jack for six years now. His progress had been an amazing sight to see. While he'll need the support of specialized staff in the future, he won't need 24 hour supports once he reaches 21 and is out of Children's Division custody. She couldn't wait to see the man he'd become.

She rapped on the door. 

"Cat!" Jack popped out of the door and gave her a fist bump. "Do you have a new car yet?"

She made a face. "Same old Camry."

"At least it'll never die. That's a lifer."

She laughed. "You're not wrong."

Jack went to the porch swing and took a seat. When she'd first met him six years ago, they'd shared a candy bar on the porch and talked. Jack was a creature of habit, and this ritual was something they'd continued throughout the years. Didn't matter the temperature or the weather. Snickers during a tornado warning had happened once. That was on her top ten list of life experiences to never repeat. Ever. 

She took a seat beside him. "Okay, bear with me. I found a new flavor."

His eyes lit up with excitement before flitting away from her own. "What is it?"

"Salted caramel." She pulled the king size Salted Caramel Twix bar out of her purse with a flourish and handed it to him. 

"Awesome." He shifted his head towards her. "Am I allowed to eat this now? I haven't finished my laundry yet." 

"Of course you can. We always do this. Why do you ask?"

He opened the wrapper. "Cheryl says I can't eat or go anywhere until I finish my chores. I try to clean up after myself throughout the day so they won't take me as long."

Cat's eyes widened. "Jack, you know you can always call or text me when you're being forced to do something right?"

"Take a chill pill, Cat. I need to do chores anyway. Here's your half." He took a bite, and moaned. "God, this is better than sex."

Cat choked on her bite. "Do I need to ask how you know that?"


She laughed. "Of course. So, what's been going on the past few weeks? Anything fun?" 

"Well, my house is clean." He smirked. "I've been working out. I go to the gym at least three days a week with Garrett."

"Awesome! What's your favorite exercise?"

He flexed for her. "Lifting. I can curl 15 lb weights now. I started with five."

She whistled. "Nice."

They both jumped as the door banged open. "Jack! What are you doing? You know you're supposed to clean before you do anything else. Get back inside." 

Cat stood and glared at the hag. "You absolutely cannot talk to him like that." 

The hag was older, possibly in her 50's with deep lines in her forehead and gray, frizzy hair. She wore faded jeans with an oversize T-shirt with... was that Tweety Bird on it? "I'm in charge of him. Of course I can talk to him like that. Who the hell are you?" 

Cat smiled. "I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself. I'm Tabitha James, Jack's Child Support Worker. I've been working with him the past six years, and I get pissy when people shit all over him." 

Jack crunched on his Twix and sighed happily. "That'll be two dollars, Cat."

She fished two wadded up dollar bills out of her purse and handed them them to Jack. The hag's jaw went slack. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." 

All three turned at the sound of a car door closing. They watched the Coordinator, Tyler, run up the walk. "Hi all! Let me get the books out real quick and we can get started. Sorry I'm late!" He disappeared into the house. 

Cat dug for another dollar bill and handed it to Jack, motioning him inside. As he walked through the door, she turned to the hag and whispered, "Fuck you."

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