Chapter 6

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The guys had arrived at the restaurant first, and oh boy, was Kiki right about this one. He was hot. Seriously hot. Tall, sandy hair, light blue eyes? She could work with that. As long as his personality didn't slash his looks to ribbons. The men stood as they got to the table. Polite.

Cat smiled and held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Cat."

He took her hand in his. Merrick. It's nice to finally meet you. Kiki has been talking about you for months."

She raised an eyebrow at Kiki as Merrick gestured for her to slide into the booth before him. "Makes sense. I'm terribly fascinating."

Kiki stuck her tongue out at her, and Merrick laughed. "She also said that your name is Tabitha?"

"It is, but I go by Cat."


She was saved from answering by the arrival of their server, who was too happy for Cat to be comfortable with.

"Hiya! What can I get you to drink today?"

"I'll take two peach margaritas. Standby for a third." The others placed their drink orders, and the server pranced away from the table.

Merrick turned back to her. "Okay, back to the nickname."

She rolled her eyes. "When I first started working for Children's Division, I was just Tabitha. One of my clients heard my boss calling me Tabby, which I can't stand—note that. My client started laughing and said, 'like the cat'."

Kiki took up the story. "She's gone by Cat since then."

Merrick smiled into her eyes. "Tabby Cat. I like it."

"Just Cat."

"Happy birthday, Cat."

Cat smiled. Happy birthday indeed. "What do you do?"

"I'm a Detective for Frisco PD."

Her smile slipped. "Interesting."

He raised an eyebrow. "You don't like cops?"

She had a momentary reprieve from answering as a server walking around with chips and salsa dropped some off at their table.

"I'm a social worker. I've run into my fair share of police officers that don't have compassion. Or tact. Not to lump all police officers together, but I've had some bad encounters."

Kiki scoffed. "To put it mildly. She grew up in foster care. A few of the foster families were reported."

Merrick nodded. "Right. Some join for power that being a police officer brings. Others want to make the world a better place, just like social workers. Can you tell me that every family you work with is excited to see you?"

Yeah, that would be a no. "Not exactly."

"Right. Tell me about growing up. I don't know anyone that was raised in foster care."

Ugh. Cat kicked her friend under the table. This is exactly why she avoided social situations. Talking to people at work was one thing. Being interrogated at her favorite Mexican place was another. She muttered under her breath. "I am so not giving your penis a home."

Kiki choked on a tortilla chip, and her date pounded her back. Her date? Lord, she hadn't even noticed him she'd been so focused on Merrick. Good BOB that was a sexy name.

"Excuse me?"

Cat turned to Brian, a small smile on her face. "I said I got transferred from home to home. As soon as I got used to one family, I'd have to go to another. And another. The only constant in my life was my social worker. Still the best person I've ever known."

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