Chapter 4

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Cat pulled up to the grayish blue two-story house at 1:45. She studied the home, and the word lovely immediately popped into her mind. The white trim and shutters brought out the unique color of the house, and the landscaping added a dash of whimsy. An apple tree stood front and center in the right side of the yard, butterflies swirling around it. The left side held rose and azalea bushes in shades of red and pink.

Completely charmed, Cat slowly made her way up the brick walkway to a white door so pristine that a dentist would be awed by it—if it were in a mouth. Not that a door would ever be. In theory. She looked around for a doorbell in the event chocolate may be hiding on her hands from earlier. Not messing that door up.

It opened without the need to make a sound, and small face peeked out.

She smiled. "Hello there."

The face disappeared, and she laughed. Adorable. The boy's big brown eyes were the cutest thing she'd seen this week.

The door opened wider, and a tall man with equally large (and adorable) brown eyes stood on the other side. He held out his hand, "Tabitha?"

She took it. "Yes, I'm Tabitha James."

"Good to meet you, Tabitha. I'm Dylan."

The little boy with big eyes and dark brown hair appeared at his side. He looked up at his father. "She goes by Cat, dad."

She didn't allow the surprise to show on her face. Instead, she widened her smile and bent down to shake his hand. "That's correct. I do. Do you go by Hen?"

He laughed. "No, just Henry."

Dylan gestured towards the room behind him. "Come on inside."

Henry took her hand again. "Can I show her my room? Can I? Can I?" He hopped from foot to foot.

Dylan gave her a questioning glance.

"I'd love to see your room. Let's go."

Her eyes drank in the surroundings. The walls were a cool gray and there were pictures of Henry everywhere. Furniture was mostly beige, tables were dark brown.

Henry opened his door, and Cat stood, staring. "Henry, this is awesome. I don't know where to look first."

His room had three lime green walls, and a black accent wall. The bedspread was gray, with lime green sheets and pillows. He had a large assortment of plushy Pokemon on his bed. She walked over to it. "Oh my gosh! Rapidash!! I didn't even know they made a Rapidash plush!"

He beamed. "My dad can find anything anywhere."

There was a gray desk in front of the corner window. On it was a sketch pad, and dozens of colored pencils, pencils, pens, makers, pretty much any tool an artist could use. They were all organized in circular mesh metal containers. Henry walked over to his desk. The walls on either side of his windows were covered in drawings.

"Wanna see my sketches?"

A chill went up her spine. "Yes, that would be wonderful."

The boy was good. Too good. She looked at picture after picture of everything from landscapes to his father, to a brown cocker spaniel with soulful eyes. "Isn't he cute?"

"Yes. Very!"

"He's going to be mine. His name is Ziggy. Dad doesn't know he's going to get me a dog yet, but he will this weekend. It's going to be a happy day."

Her smiled slipped a little. "How do you know that Henry?"

He shrugged. "I dreamed it. Plus, they were with me in the dream. I know those dreams always happen."

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