Chapter 11

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Author's Note: So it's been a good two years since I've updated this. Sorry friends. I'm getting back at it after transitioning to a new job. Starting back with a small chapter, but I'm working on another that will be quite a bit longer. Also, a reminder not to plagiarize. 

The rest of her day was shockingly uneventful. No apparitions, no hot guys, and her weirdo boss had stopped wiggling her eye brows at her a couple of hours ago. Things were looking up. Cat stared out her window, and twirled her pen. Terra. If what Jamie said was true, she could literally move the earth. Okay, earth, not the Earth, but still.

What the hell does that mean exactly? Beyond redefining the term ground transportation. Could she do anything with plants, or is it just dirt and grass? Can it be dirt that's separated from the ground, like in a pot? Cat shook her head, and looked to her officemate's temporarily abandoned desk. A desk that held a small, dying succulent that had been spray painted pink by some moron at Home Depot. Stormy had named her Poppy three years ago. Poppy was constantly on the verge of death.

Well, no more!

She stood, walked to the door—closed it.

"Okay, Poppy. Let's see what I can do." Cat closed her eyes, feeling the warmth deep inside her start to spread, and pictured a perfectly healthy, but still spray painted plant. She reached her finger tips towards the plant, felt them tingle, and—"TAKE ME DOWN TO THE PARADISE CITY WHERE THE GRASS IS GREEN AND THE GIRLS ARE PRETTY"—She screamed as her phone rang out at top volume, and the plant burst into flames.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. What the fuc-fudge? Fudge fudge fudge." Cat jumped in place, arms flapping. "What do I do? What do I do?"

Cat looked around, her eyes landing on a bottle of water on the opposite end of Stormy's desk. Perfect. She dumped the entire bottle on the plant, and the flames went out with a hiss. She stared at the charred remains of the sweet little succulent she attempted to save. 

"Ashes to ashes..." She was a damned plant murderer. Worse than Stormy could every dream of being.

Cat stuffed the plant, still smoking, into her large purse and walked out of her office trying not to look like a murderous fiend. Stormy stalked by her muttering about burnt popcorn. She walked faster.

"Where ya going?"

"Nothing," she squeaked as she whipped around.

Debbie's eye brows inched towards her hairline. "O-kay. Something is definitely going on. What is it?"

"My head still hurts. I need to go."

She shook her head. "Uh-uh. That's not it." She looked at Cat's purse. "Is your purse smoking?"

 Cat's eyes widened. "Of course not. That's crazy. I've gotta go. See you tomorrow. Bye."

She ran, and looked at her watch as she did. 4:45. Still twenty minutes before Kiki would be there. She ran to the park anyway, working very hard not to look for hidden monsters.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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