Chapter 7

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Cat was shucked out of the gel and onto the softest bed she'd ever been on. She lay on the bed, staring at the dark ceiling. What in the ever loving hell just happened? Unfortunately, being sucked into jelly and thrown onto a bed doesn't sober someone drunk off their ass. Too bad.

She closed her eyes, the room slowly turning counterclockwise. That's it. She was never drinking again. This had to be a hallucination. Right? There was no way this was real. She'd go to sleep, and wake up in her own moderately comfortable, very squeaky bed.

Fuck it. She lifted herself so she could burrow under the thick down comforter, and with the world spinning around her, fell asleep.


She woke up perfectly alert while it was still dark outside. Cat moved her head to the left, testing. No wooziness. Happy day. She turned her head to the right and noticed an extremely large mass under the covers next to her.

Holy hell. Did she go home with Merrick and completely imagine the Wonderland trip? She leaned closer to the lump. For it being pitch black in the room, she could see surprisingly well. The lump had thick, dark hair. Okay, not Merrick.

Her breathing quickened. She'd been kidnapped! By a very large man. Cat made an effort to slow her breathing, not wanting to wake her captor. The door was across the room, about fifteen feet away. She could make it that far without waking him. She slid out of the bed, and tried bouncing on the floor. It was solid wood, the opposite of Jell-O. She hopped in the air, careful to land on the balls of her feet. No give. Damn.

"Who are you, and what the fuck are you doing?"

Oh shit. I woke the giant. She ran for the door.

"Stop!" She did.

He got out of the bed and stalked towards her. "I asked you who you are."

She glared. "You should know. You kidnapped me."

"No, no I didn't. I went to sleep and then woke up to your bunny routine."

Her hand curled around the doorknob behind her, and turned. "Listen. I don't know who you are, or where I am. I fell asleep after drinking what was apparently way too much. I hallucinated being sucked into the ground. There is something very wrong with my brain...or there was more in my margaritas than just good tequila. Maybe a worm. Just let me leave. I promise, I mean no harm."

She opened the door and slowly backed out into a large living room. More wood floors. There was a massive window spanning the wall to her right. What she thought was the door leading outside was to her left. She backed towards it. He followed.

"Please, don't hurt me."

His head jerked back. "Hurt you? I just want to know what the hell you're doing here."

"I can't answer that question, because I don't fuc—skunking know."

"Skunking?" He made a noise that sounded suspiciously like laughter.

"Don't ask." She kept taking slow steps, about halfway to the door.

"At least tell me your name."

She stepped a bit faster. "Tabitha."

He stopped walking and cocked his head to the side. "Tabitha."

"Yes. Yours?"

"Jamison." Of course he had a hot name. Why wouldn't he?

She reached the door and tore it open. Cleared the steps in one jump and hit the ground with both feet. Holy snickers. I'm cat woman.

Before she could take a step, she was whipped around. "Wait." A ball of white fire formed in his hand, illuminating a handsome, tanned face with lavender eyes. Lavender eyes that made her feel like she was home.

Cat's heart was not okay. Eyes made her feel like she was home? Come the hell on. Wait. No. Focus Cat!  Ball of FLAME in hot dude's hand.

She took a step off the brick path, and felt earth. Wonderful jello-like earth, bowing downwards with her weight.

His eyes widened, "What—" and she jumped, squeezing right through the thick gel, and slid down with no resistance.

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