Chapter 3

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"I understand where your anger was coming from, but you can't tell staff to fuck themselves." Debbie, her boss, sat behind her desk, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose. 

Cat cringed. "Okay, you may be right about that. Though, I thought this meeting was about the intake later today, not a bash Cat session."

"Stop. Beyond today, how's your goal of not cursing going?" 

"Closing in on $300 for Jack's Christmas party."

"Jesus, Tabby." Debbie was the only person Cat tolerated calling her Tabby. Anyone else was likely to get a foot in the face.

"What? It's been a long year." She shrugged, and looked out the window behind Debbie's desk.

 "It's not even April."

"Your point?" 

Debbie rolled her eyes. "My point, is that you need to cool it. At least the cursing directed towards humans... while you're at work. I give no shits what you do anywhere else."

Cat stood, "got it."

"Hold up. Let's talk the intake this afternoon."

She sat and opened her folder on her newest client. "I'm meeting with Henry Fullman, and his father, Dylan, at two. He lives at home with his father, demonstrates psychological disturbance. I'm bringing some brochures for different therapies: art, drama, equine. I'll also get him hooked up with the Department of Mental Health so we can get him a Case Manager." Cat shuffled through her notes. "He was recently diagnosed with ASD. Dad reported he 'knows things.' I'm not really sure what that means, but I'm pretty excited about it."

Debbie's eyebrows creased. "How old is he?"

"He just turned six about a week ago."

"What is he exhibiting to warrant the psychological disturbance piece?"

Cat looked back at the initial court paperwork. "He reportedly talks to himself, draws 'alarming' images of classmates, teachers, his father, etc.." She flipped to the next page. "He disappears for," she looked up at Debbie, "days at time. This is why we're in the picture. Dad has to prove he's doing everything in his ability to keep Henry safe. I think I can help him." She shook her head. "No, I know I can. I just hope dad will be open to trying some different services." 

Her boss nodded. "I think you can, too. Why don't you add music therapy to your recommendations? And social group."

Cat made a note to do that. "Can do," and turned to leave her boss's office. 

"And Cat?" Cat paused in the doorway, and turned to Debbie. 

"I don't want to have the conversation about cursing at staff again." Debbie raised an eyebrow. "Even if they are assholes. We have a protocol for this. Next time it's a write up." 

Cat nodded once. "Understood," and left the office.

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