Secrets - Jay

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Y/N is 16 years old. Female

"Come on please si" Jay begged his friend as they drove back from school

"Absolutely fucking not" Simon said

"Aw why not?" Neil asked

"I am not letting Jay ask out my fucking sister" he said

"She's gonna start dating si. Wouldn't you feel better if it were someone you know" Jay tried to convince him but to no avail

"Believe it or not Jay, but I'm pretty sure Simon would rather Y/N date a fucking 60 year old tramp than you" will interjected

"Fuck of briefcase" Jay muttered

"Atleast the tramp would have more fucking brains" will argued

"Oh shut up will you. Jay, you can't date my fucking sister. Will, she is not dating a tramp. And Neil, if its you that has just farted, it is absolutely rank" Simon yelled angrily. Seconds later, Jay and will gagged as the smell reached them at the back of the car

"That is gross mate" Jay said

"Jesus Neil. See a doctor" will suggested although it sounded more like an order. Neil sat in the front of the car grinning to himself at his.....achievements

They all arrived at simons house. They were staying round his because his parents were out and they thought it would be the perfect time to get hammered and pass out wherever the fuck they liked

"Is Y/N in?" Neil asked

"Why?" Simon asked. He could understand Jay asking because he had a weird stalker like crush on her but Neil didn't really bother with her in a romantic way

"Well I've bought booze but I know how you feel about her getting drunk" Neil said. Made sense now

"Er..I don't know" simon replied

"She's got dance after school but she'll be back at 5" Jay said. They walked in the house but stopped in our tracks

"How the fuck would you know that and not Simon?" Will asked

"Er...I just saw it on the board at school. And I remember that Y/N has always loved dancing so i out two and two together" he explained

"Right" Simon said unsure. They finally got in the house and went straight to the living room to turn on the TV

"So what booze you got?" Jay asked as Neil pulled out many bottles of gin, vodka and cans of beer

Time skip- 5.30

"Aaagghhh. I hate you" the boys heard
Y/N scream as she walked in the house

"Lovely to see you too" Simon said sarcastically

"You promised to pick me up. I just had to walk back, in the dark, freezing cold in a leotard and tights. Do you realise how cold I am?" She screamed

"I am so sorry" Simon said as a wave of realisation hit him. He had completely forgotten

"Well it's over now. Don't forget next time. I'm going to get changed" Y/N said before walking off upstairs

"She seems happy" will said

"She is fit to be fair with jay" Neil said

"Would you all shut up. She's my fucking sister and no one, especially Jay is.....Where's Jay?" Simon asked in defeat

Upstairs, Y/N was getting changed in her room. She had taken off her tights and leotard and just had on a white lacy bra and matching undies. She felt two large hands grab her arse making her quickly whip her head around

"Fucking hell" she said before laughing

"Sorry. Didn't mean scare ya. It was just asking for a squeeze" Jay said as he wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist. He started kissing her collarbone but she had to push him off

"My brother is downstairs" she said giggling

"Exactly. And we have the room to ourselves" he said kissing her once again. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he pinned her to the wall. His school shirt and tie and come off and they were in the middle of a heated kiss

"Simon is gonna fucking kill you" they stopped kissing and Y/N covered herself up with a blanket

"Will, please don't tell my brother" She begged

"But....but he has to know. I can't lie to him" will said

"Yes. Yes you can lie. Its easy. I do it all the time" Y/N said

"I'm sorry but this is a complete misuse of his trust. I have to tell him" will said

"30 quid if you keep your mouth shut" Jay said

"Deal" and just like that, will was gone

"You can't let him get drunk tonight" Y/N warned

"Why? I'm not his mother" Jay said pulling his girlfriend onto his lap

"No. But we've all seen will after a couple cans of beer. He's way too honest" she laughed as he kissed her shoulder

"Good point" he grumbled

"Jay? What you doing?" Neil yelled from the bottom of the stairs

"You better go before they send a search party" she suggested. He gave her one last kiss and walked out. A minute later, he reentered and said

"By the way, you can wear that bra tomorrow when you're sleeping mine" he chuckled. She threw a pillow at him playfully and he left her to have a shower and get changed

Time skip- 11pm

By this point, everyone was drunk. Well except for Y/N. They had made a promise 2 years ago to never let Y/N drink.

It was her idea actually. After a very embarrassing drunk moment at a party that ruined her entire school year, she made the boys swear they wouldn't ever let her drink and would stop her if she ever tried it again

"I have an announcement" will said standing on a chair, him clearly being the most drunk

"Go on" Neil encouraged. Jay and Y/N looked at eachother worriedly from the other side of the sofa

"Love is in the air" he said almost falling off the chair

"Will" Y/N warned

"Oh come on Y/N. Don't be ashamed. It's love. You and Jay. Jay and you. Isn't it cute" will said. He then fell off the chair and vomited on the carpet. But no one cared.

Because I those 5 seconds, everyone had sobered up and Simon looked ready to kill Jay

"What the fuck?" Simon yelled after a deathly silence

"Listen mate, it just sort of happened. That's why I've been asking you for permission to date her. Because I've sort of been doing it for 5 months now" Jay said

"5 months? Oh god! So all those sleepovers with these friends I've never heard of were.....ew. ew ew ew. That's disgusting" simon said

"So yous 2 are dating?" Neil asked

"Yes. And I love him Simon so please don't be mad. We're not breaking up so you might aswell except it" Y/N said

"Fine. There's nothing i can do now. As long as you're happy. But there are some rules. I don't care what you do in your spare time. But around me, there will be no kissing, no touching, no flirting. Just yuck" Simon said

"Thanks si" Jay said

"Ye thanks. Well I'm going to bed. Where are you guys sleeping?" Y/N asked yawning

"On floor" Simon said

"What?" She asked

"Ye. We normally just sleep wherever we pass out. But it's alright though. We're too drunk to realise so don't make a difference" Neil said. Will wasn't saying anything for he had already passed out on the floor

"OK well night." She said. Y/N whispered in Jay's ear

"My beds always open" his eyes widened and a smirk made its way onto his face. Safe to say that Jay slept alot more comfortably than the rest of them

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