Sick - Jay

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Y/n is 14

Y/n Cartwright, despite her brother being an idiot, is one of the popular ones. And not like the mean kids, but she is the most liked in school despite her friendship group being only 2 people

She was walking to school with her brother and his friends. She absolutely hated it

"So, any boys you fancy y/n?" Simon asked

"Better not be" Jay said putting y/n in a headlock

"Jay. My hair" she squirmed from his grip and sorted out her hair

"I wouldn't worry. Looked shit before anyway" Jay said

"Can I borrow a fiva from one of yas?" Y/n asked looking directing at will

"Ugh fine" he said annoyed but gave her the money

"Why you need money anyway?" Simon asked

"Drugs" y/n said shrugging

"Very funny. No really. Why you need it?" Neil asked

"Drugs" y/n said seriously looking at all the boys

"Alright. Well I'm not cleaning up after you" Jay grumbled

"Oh shut up. I'll see you later" y/n said wacking her brother round the side of the head and running off to the school gates

During lunch, the boys were sat eating when a girl in the lower years ran over to them

"Are you Jay?" She asked

"I'm jay"

"Y/ns don't look good" the girl said

"She never looks good" Jay chuckled. He was allowed to say that because he's her brother

"No I mean, she looks really ill. I think you should take her home"

"Can't she wait till the end of the day?" Jay whined

"Fine. But she won't be happy" the girl said before walking off

"Aren't you gonna take her home Jay?" Neil asked

"Am I fuck? She's done this before. Little shit making me take her home when all she does is eat crap and steal the TV remote" Jay said stabbing at his food

At the end of the day, Jay, neil, Simon and will were stood outside the school gates waiting for y/n. After 10 minutes, she showed up

"Fuck. You look like shit y/n" Simon said

"Yes thank you for that" she grumbled stumbling towards the boys

"What have you taken?" Will asked

"Nothing. I was going to but I never bought any. I feel like crap so I just slept in the cafeteria" y/n groaned

"Alright. Let's get you home" Jay said. He took her bag and helped her walk home. Half way, they had to stop as y/n threw up over someone's flowers

"Ugh you fucking bender" Jay said in disgust

"Shut u-" but y/n was cut short by more vomit. Despite his snide remarks, Jay held his sisters hair back and helped her get home safe

At home, he helped her upstairs and stood outside whilst she changed into her pyjamas

"What do you want for tea?" He asked her

"Not hungry" she replied

"You've gotta eat something" Jay tried to convince her

"Everything I eat just comes back up. Speaking of which" y/n went to run to the toilet but didn't make it in time. Instead, it was all over the carpet

"Daddys gonna kill me" y/n said

"Better you than me" Jay said laughing until he saw y/n crying

"Shit. Hey, it's alright. I'll clean it up and we can call mum and give her a word of warning. Then they can buy you some medicine on their way home" Jay said hugging her and kissing the top of her head

Y/n went to brush her teeth and then went to bed and tried to sleep whilst Jay was cleaning up her vomit from the carpet. He had called his mum and she was rushing home from work to look after her little baby

Y/n is the favourite by a mile. She's a daddy's girl and their mum just likes someone to relate to. Also she's the youngest

"Hey y/n" Jay said knocking on her door. No one answered so he slowly walked in

Y/n was fast asleep, her forehead sweaty and her covers falling off the bed. Jay went and covered her up, he kissed her cheek and left the room

Jay then got a phone call. It was his mum. She was stuck in traffic so he'd have to watch y/n until she got back

At 8pm, Jay was watching the TV with his feet up when the door to the lounge opened

"Jay Jay, I don't feel well" he opened his arms and the teary eyed teenager cuddled up to him on the sofa

She only calls him Jay Jay when she's ill. Y/n needs him the most when she's not well because although she loves her parents, Jay is her brother and she loves him more

She fell asleep on his chest as his arms were around her. He kissed the top of her head and soon, fell asleep with her

They both woke up at 10 o'clock with their parents sitting in chairs near them

"Go to bed my babies. You need some rest" their mum said kissing their heads

"Night mummy" y/n said hugging her mum. They stood up but she went and sat on her dad's lap

"Daddy, can you carry me" she asked

"Sure darling" he lifted her up and both her and Jay went upstairs. They were about to go in their rooms but suddenly, Jay ran to the bathroom

"Have I made Jay Jay sick?" Y/n asked sleepily. The sound of Jay's vomit was a clear answer

"Thanks a fucking lot y/n" Jay yelled walking into his room. The next day, y/n was perfectly well. Jay on the other hand, well let's just say he was particularly annoyed with his sister

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