MILF - Will

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Y/n is 35. She is Wills mother

"Ha. Mate those birds were fucked until they were crying from pleasure" y/n heard as her son and his friends walked closer to the front door

"Ssh. My mum might hear you" will said making y/n chuckle. They walked in and went into the kitchen where y/n was seated

"Hi Mrs mckenzi" the boys chorus

"How many times. Call me y/n" she said

"Right, I'm leaving for the weekend poppet. Now remember the emergency numbers are on the fridge. And hopefully, I won't come home to find any girls crying from pleasure" she said making the boys eyes widen before she grabbed her suitcase and left

"I told you she would hear jay" will yelled at jay

"Alright keep ya hair on. Your mum is fit as fuck" Jay said

"I'd fuck her" Neil said

"Right thanks for that" will huffed

"Just forgot my keys" y/n said walking back in and the out again

"You think she heard?" Neil asked

"Probably" Simon replied

"You think now she knows, she'll fuck me?" He asked

"No absolutely not. No one is fucking my mother" will yelled out

"Thanks for clarifying that will" y/n said making the group of teenagers jump

"I thought you were leaving for your weekend away?" Will asked

"Well I got in the car and then got a message. The flight to Paris has been delayed by 9 hours. So I'm gonna stay here for a while

"But....we are here" will said

"And? Worried ill embarrass you. Oh darling, you can do that all on ur own" y/n said before grabbing her bottle of wine and going up to her bedroom

"Wow. Looks like we get 9 hours left eith your wonderful mother" Simon teased will

"Oh shut up. No one is going near my mother. Understood?" Will asked. He turned around for one second and when he looked back, jay was gone

"Oh for fucks sake" will yelled

Up in y/ns room, she was lay on her bed looking at shoes on her laptop with a bottle of wine in her hand. The life of a mother

"Jay, you can stop standing behind the door. I can hear you" she said not looking up from her screen. Jay walked into the room

"Er...I was just wondering if you" he said


"Ye. My homework. I have to find out the chemical reactions in the body when two people fall in love. I was wondering if you could describe it to me" he said

"Well, being in love is like a war. Some battles you win, and some you lose. I suppose it makes one feel helpless, like they are drowning in a pool and yet, they don't want the help" y/n explained to the boy as he listened to her talk. He watched the way her lips moved so elegantly and before he knew it, he had latched onto her

Y/n pulled away quickly and slammed him round the face

"Jay, you are 17. I'm 35. If you ever try to kiss me again, I won't slap you round the face. Instead I will kick you in the tiny child bolloacks which you possess" y/n kicked him out of her room and he was left feeling awful

"Told ya so" Simon said as Jay walked downstairs sluggishly

"Did she turn you down then Jay?" Neil asked

"No Neil. She gave me a blow job" Jay sad sarcastically

"Wow" Neil said in awe clearly not realising the sarcasm

"I can't believe you kissed my mother" will said. Y/n then came downstairs

"I'd like to apologise Jay. It was a misunderstanding and I'm sorry if it seemed I was leading you on. You are such a sweet boy" she said kissing his cheek as if he were a child

"Do any of you want some food?" Y/n asked

"Yes please Mrs mckenzi" Simon said

"I'll order some pizzas then" y/n said

"Shall I get some alcohol while I'm at it?" Y/n asked

"Really?" Jay asked

"Well I know you were planning on drinking after I left. But i won't be gone for hours yet so might aswell join ya. There's a cabinet full of gin and vodka. And I have cans of beer in the fridge"
y/n said.

The boys eyes widened with joy. They raced to the kitchen to get all the alcohol except for will

"You OK poppet?" Y/n asked

"Jay shouldn't have kissed you" will sulked

"Oh don't worry darling. He didn't mean any harm by it. Let's just get you a drink and you can chill out abit" y/n said. She lead will over to the kitchen and poured shots for everyone

The next day, they all woke up on the floor with terrible headaches

"Oh shit. I've missed my flight" y/n groaned in annoyance as she realised it was morning

"We should get going" Simon said as him Jay and Neil all gathered their things

"You're welcome any time boys. Next time bring a remedy for hangover though" y/n joked

"100%. You are such a cool mum" Simon said

"Ye. Can you adopt me?" Neil asked

"Oh sorry neil. Don't think your dad would agree to that" she said cupping his face. He shrugged in fairness

"Goodbye boys. Lovely to see you" she waved them off and then went back to will

"How come they like you more than they do me?" Will asked

"Oh you don't need to worry poppet. I love you" she said kissing his cheek

"You are never....ever going near my friends EVER again" will said storming off to his room. What a night

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