Surprise - Jay

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Y/n is 16. Female (sorry they mainly female. I need requests cuz I struggle to be creative with male)

Y/n and Jay were sat in Jay's room on his bed. Not talking to one another, just sat in an uncomfortable silence

"I think I should leave" y/n said standing up

"No don't go. Look I'm sorry I just-"

"Don't. Just dont" y/n said leaving the room with tears in her eyes that refused to fall. Jay followed her down the stairs and out the house

"Please baby. I didn't mean it" Jay said as she got in her car. He watched her drive away as he began to cry. He had just lost the most important thing in the world to him

"Ugh Jay, what's going on?" Simon asked. Jay wiped his tears and looked towards his friends who had just turned up

"I think me and y/n are over" he said. Suddenly he started crying again. Neil hugged him and all the boys went inside to sort Jay out

"Tell us what happened mate" will said as they sat at the kitchen table with takeaway

"I can't. It's too....personal" Jay said looking down

"It wouldn't go down?" Simon suggested

"Wouldn't go up?" Will said

"Did it get stuck?" Neil asked deadly serious

"No it wasn't anything like that. Nothing sexual. Just personal in an emotional way" Jay said

"We can't help if you don't tell us" Simon said

"Fine. Y/n came over today and....


"Hey baby" Jay said as his girlfriend walked through the door

"Hi jay" she said weirdly quiet

"Whatever happened it wasn't me" Jay said quick to defend himself

"Huh?" She asked

"You called me Jay. You havnt called me Jay since we were 14. Its always baby or sweety. Pet names" Jay said sadly.

Y/n gave him a small but unconvincing smile as she went over and kissed his cheek. She took a seat on his lap and began kissing his neck

But Jay felt something wet run down his t shirt. Tears. He soon realised that y/n was crying into his shoulder so he wrapped her in for a hug

"What's wrong?" He asked

"I have to tell you something. But please don't get mad at me" she said. Just then, Jay's mum and dad walk in

Y/n quickly wiped her eyes and greeted his parents

"Hi" she said

"Hi love. How are you?" Mrs Cartwright asked

"I'm good thanks. How are you?"

"Can't complain" she answered

"Wow Jay. Surprised you havnt got a boner with that arse on ya lap" Mr Cartwright said making y/n blush and Jay's mum hit her husband

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