My hero - Will

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Y/n is 2. Male

"Where's the little man?" Jay asked as they sat down in wills kitchen

"He's upstairs sleeping so please don't wake him" will said but it was too late. Jay had already ran upstairs

"Does he ever listen?" Will asked Simon

"Nope never" Simon answered. Minutes later, Jay came downstairs with the toddler on his hip

"Daddy" he said happily reaching for Will. Yes, the nerdy man child you know as Will, has his own son. It was when he was at his private school. In the better, nice neighbourhood. The girl across the street would come over and study with him. He did somethings that at the time, he wasn't proud of. But he got the best son out of it

"Are you hungry?" Will asked his son

"No daddy. Football" the child yelled as he wriggled from his father's arms and went to neil

"You play football" he ordered. The kid was very bossy, there was no denying it

"Ye alright. I'm just going to the garden to play football with Y/n" Neil said before going outside

"Are you sure he's your son?" Simon asked jokingly

"Let me think about that...yep...yes I'm pretty fucking sure" will answered

"No but its just, Y/n loves football and he doesn't sound like he's from the queen's Court" Jay said looking out the window at the boy scoring a goal

"Alright so he doesn't act like me, but he's still my son. He's growing up surrounded by more idiots than not unlike me" will said. Jay and Simon saw the frown on wills face

"What's wrong mate?" Simon asked

"I just hate that I can't be a proper father to him. I mean, neil plays football with him. Jay teaches him about girls and you put hair gel in his hair and make it stick up. When I put hair gel in his hair, he hated it. I can't play football and I can't tell him anything about girls" will said sadly

"Don't worry bout it. You're his dad. He's not supposed to likes spending time with you. He's supposed to like spending your money" Jay said

"It's true mate. I'm happy for my dad to buy me shit but I still wont go fishing with him" Simon said

Time skip- 1 o'clock

"Why don't we go the park?" Will asked his son who was currently laughing at Jay's funny faces

"Me go park" he yelled happily to jay making will frown but he tried to cover it. Soon enough, all boys were at the park and Y/n was holding simons hand

"Football" the little boy yelled before running off to the football match that was going on

"No Y/n" will yelled but it was too late.
Y/n was chasing after the ball in a game that consisted of donnovan and his gang. The 6 form kids stopped playing and let the toddler kick the ball in the goal

When Y/n cheered, so did all the boys much to wills surprise

"What's your name ay?" Donnovan asked kneeling down to the boys height

"Y/n. I play football with you" he said

"Sure mate. But where are your parents?" Donnovan asked. Y/n pointed to will making donnovan smirk. He lifted the boy up and walked towards will

"He yours?"

"Yes thank you donnovan" will said nervously

"Nah. No way is he yours. He's a good little footballer. And you'" donnovan said smirking. Will looked angry now

"Will what you doing?" Neil asked

"I'm playing football" will said. He ran to join in the game and within 30 seconds, they heard a scream

"Fucking hell" Jay said as he saw will lay on the ground. His bone sticking out his arm

"I think it's broken will" Neil said

"No fucking way" Simon yelled all panicking

Time skip- 4 o'clock

Will had come back from the hospital with a cast on his arm. Jay and Neil had watched Y/n whilst Simon drove

"Cool" Neil said in awe

"No not cool. I try to look good infront of my own son and I end up embarrassing myself" will sulked

"I'm hungry" Y/n said. Will was quick to get to the kitchen. He made a sandwich and walked into the lounge. But Jay accidently knocked the door on his arm causing will to drop the plate

"FUCKING FUCK SHIT. FOR FUCKS SAKE. SHIT. FUCK. UGH. WHY? I TRY TO DO SOMETHING RIGHT FOR MY FUCKING SON. BUT NO. NOTHING IS RIGHT. I CANT EVEN MAKE A FUCKING SANDWHICH" Will screamed. There was silence for a brief second before Wails filled the room. Y/n was in tears after the outburst and clung to Jay's side

"Im so sorry Y/n" will apologised

"It's fine. You didn't mean it" Simon said. Will went over to y/n but his son clung onto jay even tighter

"I've scared him. I've scared my own son" will said

"Maybe he's just tired. I'll go put him to bed" Neil said wanting to get out of the room. He lifted y/n from Jay and took him upstairs

Time skip- 9pm

After his friends left, will was knackered. The day had been awful and his painkillers didn't help his drowsiness

He went upstairs and went into his sons room, who was sleeping soundly

"I'm sorry y/n. Im a terrible father. Yes I'm responsible. And I always thought that's what mattered. But I realise now that good grades and smart clothes isn't what children care about. You just want someone who can spend time with you. And I guess I'm no good at that" will said to his son

"Daddy read story" y/n said

"What?" Will asked confused. No so much at the order, but why his son had said it. Y/n never asks for story or atleast not from will

"I want you read story" he whined

"OK. I can read for you" will agreed still in shock. He read superman. At the end of the story, y/n was resting on his father as will sat next to him in bed. Just 4 words before the boy fell asleep made will feel so much better

"You're my hero daddy"

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