Interrogation IV

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A/N: the number IV is just  in correlation to Breaking Purity I.

Day 30 morning

Michael has moved you to the kitchen in the middle of the night, specifically to the table so he can put you in a more comfortable position. Of course it's not soft as the bed is but, considering he didn't want you to wake up in panic if he put you in the bedroom and that the kitchen was locked by magic when the attack happened, this was the best he could do. But after checking that you are still deeply asleep, he transmuted to grab a pillow and his topcoat and went back to you.

After approximately six hours, you start to open your eyes. First thing you sense is the familiar smell of coffee surrounding the room, a clinking spoon somewhere. You realize your shirt and towel are no longer with you, instead your body is covered with his topcoat.

- Michael – you whisper, noticing that your muscles are all weak from the fight and the struggle of the day before. You roll to the side and before you can get alarmed, he appears in front of you holding two cups which he leaves on the table next to you.

- My love, you are awake – he says leaning down to kiss you – I'm sorry I had to move you but I couldn't have you freezing like that – He lifts you up and sits you on his lap.

- You are gonna be handling me like a baby now?

- And since when have you stopped being daddy's little thing?

You chuckle at the title and it has a peaceful effect on Michael who still can't get over the last events.

– Here, take a sip, my love – he brings one of the cups to your mouth and your taste buds are thankful for the warm familiar coffee flavor – I have to ask you something, my love, and I know it's going to be hard for you, but I need to know exactly all that happened.

Time seems to stop, your gaze fixed on the wardrobe in front of you while Michael's nose nuzzles your nape.

- I was um... I remember I had fed Hope and after a while I heard someone knocking on the glass door. I thought it could be you but at the same time it was strange because you never needed to knock in the first place. So I left the bedroom to see what was going on and it was then when I saw them. That guy, Jeff, and... - you let out a shaky sigh – Connor. They made me a bit nervous but Jeff said they were here to check on the temperature thing so I thought it was because you've ordered it.

- It is true that I told Sheila about it but I didn't send them specifically at that moment. I'd never send them here when you are alone.

- Well, I don't know who told them to come right then but Jeff seemed very convinced about the task he was supposed to take care of. I'm stupid, am I not? I should have known better.

- No, no, hey, of course you are not – he comforts you and tightens his arms around your waist – You wouldn't have had a chance when they were already in here. But I promise I will solve this and I'll find out who sent them and let them in.

- I thought for a second that everything was fine because after that guy checked on everything, he said they were going to leave but then... Connor stepped into the bedroom and took a syringe out. He said it was an order from Hayato, some vitamins he had to give me. But it was wrong, I knew there was something wrong, and I tried to refuse but he kept insisting on the matter till Jeff confronted him and he confessed he was here to murder me – you start crying, the wardrobe no longer clear due to your foggy vision – Again, Jeff tried to stop him, to persuade him not to do it but Connor wasn't listening. So I remember the guy telling me to run and I did it but then Connor caught me and he dragged me to the drawing room and, and, and... - you sob, chest convulsing in fear while you hide your face in your palms.

Breaking Purity II: The sheep // Michael Langdon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now