The man in the crowd

112 6 15

Day 35 morning

It's early morning and you are still alone in the bedroom. Curled up on your side, unable to fall asleep, biting your nails while remembering how cold Michael has been with you but at the same time, conscious of the guilt and worry you are feeling for Jeff who, once again, has acted upon your interests, risking his life. Suddenly, the door opens and you spy, from under the sheets, the silhouette of the Antichrist entering the room. He closes the door gently behind him, movements also slowed down as if he didn't want to wake you up which in fact doesn't matter since you've spent hours with wide open eyes repressing your tears. He takes his clothes off, leaving his boxers on, and carefully moves the blankets to lie on the mattress. You keep giving your back at him, faking that you are asleep to not have to confront him. Michael stays quiet for a moment looking at the roof, arms rigid at each side of his body. Why the fuck did you do it, kitten? Why did you disobey me to such a degree? He turns his head to the side and looks at your tense being. Sighing, he extends one hand to surround your waist, pulling you closer and, as a reaction, your shoulder moves away from your ear.

-Still awake – he comments with disapproval and, unable to stand the silence much longer when he already knows you are listening to him, you eventually decide to turn around. Michael can be holding you and his face can be at a minimal distance from yours but his temper is still cold as you can tell from his upset eyes in the darkness.

-Michael, I...

-Sh. Don't. Later we'll talk but now you have to sleep. There's a long day ahead us.

-So you think I can sleep with you being so angry at me?

-Anger has washed away, darling. That's why I didn't come here at first. I didn't want to do something that I'd have regretted. But I'm utterly disappointed.

-Same thing. I can't have you like that next to me.

-Then we'll have to make you sleep.

-No, wait – you stop his hand coming and take a deep breath – It's okay. I'll try to do it on my own. If you are cold with me, then you shouldn't worry about me.

Michael doesn't answer. He stays there watching you although it feels like torture having his arm around you but still leaving some distance between you both, that's why you hesitate for a few seconds but finally move abruptly closer and hug his chest, laying your head on it with pressure as if you could get his affection back with that gesture. However, the only thing that you get out of him is a single caress to your hair.

A few hours later you open your eyes and, unsurprisingly, Michael is once more not at your side. You sink your head into the pillow, not wanting to start the day because you know you'll have to face the consequences of your actions and, coming from Michael, you can expect even more than brutality. But even if he punishes you, even if he tortures or kills anybody, as hard as it is to admit it, it's more painful to see him distant.

-Get up, Y/N, eat a cereal bar from the cupboard and put your shoes on, I've left them by the door.

Avoiding to cause him any more disgust, you do as he tells. Now fully dressed and seated on the bed while poorly chewing the food, you can't help but look up at him while he finishes with the buttons of his shirt.

-Where's Jeff? – you whisper.

-He is in the small storeroom. Again. And yes, he is alright. I can't keep punishing people. The other one, it was for you, because they dared to hurt you. But this is plain stupidity from you, Y/N, and frankly, I'm tired of reprimands.

You bite the inner part of your cheeks not to cry at how he thinks of you, you can't be so selfish to keep caring about yourself when you put other people's lives at risk.

Breaking Purity II: The sheep // Michael Langdon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now