Double Uh-oh (9)

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⚠️ SLIGHT TW⚠️ : arguing and mentions of w@r. Read at your own risk.


What the hell?

I immediately ran back into the dining room. "Woah woah woah- Why is war the topic of this conversation?!" I half-yelled. "I told you to be quiet.." Nick said to Clay, earning a harsh glare from George. "Well?" I said, impatiently.

"It's not important, Y/N." Said Clay. "No no, it's very important. So tell me, Clay. Why were you talking about war, hm?" I said, trying to mask my underlying fear.

"Y/N, I'm serious. It doesn't matter." He said, beginning to get agitated. "Clay, I swear to how you better tell me." Then it clicked.

"You're not.. planning on staring a war against L'Manburg.. are you?" I asked, the fear evident in my voice. No response. "ARE YOU?" I said, beginning to panic.

"Look Y/N, it's for good rea—" I cut him off. "No! There's never a good reason for war! You're not hurting my family! You promised me you wouldn't hurt them! End of discussion!" I yelled.

"You heard what they said! You're not their family anymore! You're ours!" This had me raging.

"I don't give a shit what they said. The raised me! They are my family, and you are NOT hurting them! If you start a war against L'Manburg, I will not be fighting on your side, you hear me?" I didn't wait for a response before I stormed out of his house.

I wasn't sure where I was going, but I was going somewhere. I walked through the twists and turns of the woods, before I heard twigs snapping somewhere ahead of me.

I stopped in case it was a mob. Then, I heard a voice. "F*cking hell! Stupid tree branch!" Yelled a raspy British boys voice.

"Tom?!" I yelled. Dead silence. Then suddenly, there was an immense amount of twigs snapping and leaves crunching, before two arms wrapped me up in the tightest hug I've ever felt.

I laughed. "Hey Tommy!" No response, just sniffles.  "Tom.. are you crying?" I asked, gently. This only made him cry harder.

"Hey, Hey.. What's wrong?" I asked, rubbing his back. "Here, come sit with me.." I said, grabbing his hand, and leading him to sit with me under a large oak tree.

"What's up?" I said once we were sitting down. "Wil -Wilbur! H-He wants to start a war! Against you.. Well- against the DreamSMP, but he's including you in that.."

"Shit.." I said, under my breath. "What..?" Tommy asked, weakly. "Clay- Sorry, Dream wants to do the same thing.. He's pissed with Wilbur. That's actually why I'm out here.. We were arguing about him staring a war, but.. you know how I am with arguing.. so I just kind of stormed out."

"Why was he mad?" asked Tommy. "He's mad that Wilbur just sort of disowned me.. And don't get me wrong, It's sweet.. but war isn't the answer." I said while shaking my head. "He seems to care a lot about you.." Tommy said, resting his head on my shoulder.

"He does.. and I really appreciate everything he does for me, but I can't let him start a war. Not against my family." A pause. "You still see us as family..?" Tommy asked, lifting his head off of my shoulder to look at me.

"Tom, of course I do! You guys will never not be my family! You guys were there for me when I had no one. I never meant for this to happen.. believe me, I tried to avoid it. The first time Dream confessed to me, I rejected him, and then ran away! But.. I learned that there's a lot more to him than what he shows to the world.."

Tommy smiled. "He makes you happy.. and that's all that matters to me." He said. I wrapped him in a tight embrace, and kissed the top of his head. "I love you, Tom." I said, smiling. "I love you too, Y/N.." He said.

We let go of the hug, before I spoke again. "Take me to Wilbur, please." I said. Tommy looked up at me, surprised. "Are you sure..?" I nodded, before standing up. He did the same, and we walked to the walls of L'Manburg together. We went inside, only to be met with an angry Wilbur.

"Tommy! What the hell took you so l-" Then he noticed me. "What the f*ck are you doing here?!" He yelled. "Wil, I'm just here to war you about something." This seemed to get his attention.

"And that is..?" I sighed.

"Dream is planning a war against you.. I- I'm trying to convince him not to, but it isn't working. I told him that if he starts a war, I won't be fighting in his favor. As long as you don't initiate the war, I'll be fighting with L'Manburg. Otherwise, I'll be neutral." Wilbur thought for a moment.

"Fine." He said, emotionless. I paused for a minute. "Wil, can we please talk? About.. everything?" Wilbur sighed, before nodding. I looked back at Tommy, to see him giving me a thumbs up. I turned back to Wilbur, before speaking.

"Wil, I know it looks bad.. And I already told Tommy this, but believe me when I say I tried to avoid this.—" I then explained in detail how I ran away from Dream after his confession, and all of the events that led up to it, as well as followed it.

Wilbur stayed silent for a while. "He.. He cares a lot about you.. enough to start a war for you, at least-" He chuckled slightly. I smiled. "He does.. but war isn't the answer to anything, and I know it's only going to make things worse." He nodded.

"Y/N.. I'm sorry about everything I said. I was mad, and—" I cut him off. "Wil, don't worry about it. You had every right to be mad. I would've been mad, too! I forgive you.. although, I was never mad at you." He smiled.

"You should probably head back to the DreamSMP lands, before Dream spots you here. I chuckled. "I'll come back tomorrow to speak with Tubbo, alright?" The two boys nodded. "I love you guys." I said. "Love you too." The boys said in unison. I smiled, before walking back to Dreams house.

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