This Again (15)

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"He drove me here Tom, it's fine." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. Tommy pushed my hand off of him, before shoving Clay backwards. "Get out, bitch boy!" He yelled. I stepped between them, to prevent Tommy from doing anything else.

"Tom. Back up." I said, sternly. He debated for a minute, before complying. "Thank you.." I said. I looked at Clay to see him awkwardly staring at the ground.

I could tell he was nervous, so I grabbed his hand to comfort him. "You can go home if you want to, love." I said, smiling. "No no! It's alright. I want to be here!" He said, looking up at me. I nodded, before turning to look at my brothers again.

Wilbur and I made eye-contact, before he shook his head. "I don't understand you sometimes, Y/N." He said. "What's that supposed to mean?" I said in a somewhat amused tone.

"It means that I don't think you've been making good decisions, lately." He replied, looking at Tommy who nodded in agreement.

"Such as?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He gave me an 'I think you know' look, before pointing towards Clay. "Like that." He said, monotone.

Clay squeezed my hand, as he could tell that Wilbur's words slightly angered me.

"I get it Wil. Believe me, I do. But I really think that you should hear the whole story, before you decide to judge.." I said, maintaining eye-contact with the brunette.

"I really don't see a reason why I should do that, Y/N. I let it slide the first time, but this is going too far. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, even though he had already hurt my country, and look how it ended up." He said, raising his voice slightly.

"I know you did. And I really appreciate it!- But I also know that you only know what you've seen firsthand, and that just isn't judge-able!" I said, trying to convince him to listen to what Clay had to say.

Before Wilbur could say anything else, Tommy spoke up. "Y/N, I helped you! I was there for you when neither of them were!-" He started, motioning towards Wilbur and Tubbo. "So if anyone should get to make a call about this, it should be me. And I agree with Wilbur!" He said.

I looked at Clay, signaling for him to let my brothers and I chat alone. "Are you sure?" He whispered. I nodded. He kissed my forehead, before walking back to his car.

"Listen-" I started, before being interrupted. "No, Y/N. You listen. I'm not doing this again. It's either Dream, or us. You can't have both." Said Wilbur.

"You can't be serious! You're not actually planning on making me choose, right..?" I asked, becoming visibly more anxious.

"I'm dead serious, Y/N. You're putting us at risk by being with Dream, and I can't have that for my country." He said, with no sign of remorse from the other boys.

"Tubbo? Tommy..?" I said, looking towards my younger brothers. "Wilbur's right, Y/N. I'm sorry, but you have to choose.." Said Tubbo. I looked at Tommy.

"I'm sorry Y/N, but we can't hurt L'Manburg again, just because you give too many chances." Said Tommy. Ouch. That one hurt. 

"You can't make me choose- you know I love you guys to death, but I can't hurt Clay like
tha-" Wilbur cut me off.

"Then you've made your decision. Don't bother coming back. You are hereby exiled from L'Manburg." He said, walking away. "Wil, wait!-" I called. Tubbo quickly followed Wilbur, not bothering to let me speak.

Then, Tommy turned to leave. "You too..?" I asked, my vision starting to go blurry with tears. "You brought this on yourself, Y/N." He said, walking away. I stood there for a few minutes just watching my brothers leaving.

I felt numb, despite the tears falling down my face. After a few minutes of staring blankly, I pulled out my phone texting Clay, to let him know that he could come back in.

I walked back into my respected room, sitting on the white hospital bed. I was starting to get lost in my thoughts, when Clay walked into the room. He walked over to the bed, sitting down next to me before speaking.

"I'll take it the conversation didn't go well..?" He asked, looking at me. A single tear rolled down my cheek, as I shrugged. "You could say that.." I said, avoiding eye-contact.

Clay wiped my tear, and pulled me into his lap, so that I was facing him. "Are you alright sharing?" He asked, holding his hand on my cheek. I leaned into the touch, sniffling.

"Same thing as last time.. except this time, even Tom agreed.." I said.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N..." Clay said, wiping the other tears that had fallen.

"They tried to make me choose between you and them.. but- when I tried to tell them that I couldn't choose, they said that it meant that I had made my decision, and-.. left..." I said, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

"You deserve so much better than this shitty world is giving you, Y/N.. I'm so so sorry that you have to deal with all of this..." Said Clay, wrapping me in a tight hug.

I hugged him back, sobbing into his shoulder. He held me that way until I had calmed down enough to form proper sentences again.

"You're welcome to stay with me and George, alright?" Clay said, sweetly. I nodded, leaning my forehead against his. "Thank you.." I whispered.

"Of course, baby.." He said, cupping my face. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips, before wrapping me up in another tight embrace.

"I'll always be here.. I promise.." He said, quietly. I hugged him tighter, beginning to fall tired.

We stayed that way until we had both fallen asleep.

1 Week Later


They finally discharged me from the hospital the day after the whole situation with my brothers happened. Obviously, I've been staying with Clay. It's been great! For the most part..

The first 4 or so days were perfect.. but these last couple days have been weird. Clay's been acting somewhat distant.


I was standing in the kitchen making breakfast, when George walked in.

"Morning, Gogy!" I said, flashing a friendly smile. George smiled back, before speaking. "Good morning, Y/N! What're you making?" He asked.

"Bacon, eggs, and pancakes!" I replied. After a few moments of silent, George spoke again. "Hey, Y/N..?" He questioned.

"Yeah?" I said, momentarily turning to face him.

"Are you and Clay still like- together..?" He asked. This caught me way off guard. "Yeah.. Why?" I asked, nervously.

"Oh.. I don't know, y'all just seem- off?" He said, sounding unsure. "Yeah... Clay's been kind of distant these last few days, but it's understandable. Things have been weird recently." I said, handing George a plate of food.

He nodded. Just then, Clay walked in.

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