Chapter 3: Hydra attacks

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(A/N: So I just realized that I fucked up. You see I just remembered that Sirius is in his what 30s, and I put him as Regulus's older brother. But then I made it that, Regulus was alive during the 40s, which would mean that Sirius would be dead, the same with Remus, or just old. So I am going to change it up a bit.

So instead after Dumbledore obliterated Regulus, he used that weird time necklace, on him to send him back in time during the 40s. So now it makes sense.)

(Narrator's POV)

The next morning, Harry woke up. He sat up and looked around the room he was in. He knew it wasn't the cupboard with how open it was. So his first thought was that he was over at Regulus's house, but then memories of the night before flashed into his brain.

Harry laughed to himself, at how stupid those men were. The fact that they tried to go after the son of Loki and think they could get away with it. Harry looked over to Regulus to see him in his bird form, sleeping on the bedpost, then he looked at the ground to see the other assassin looking through his weapons.

Harry was amazed with all the weapons that he had, he's seen Regulus weapons, and he taught him how to use them. Harry got up off the bed, and the asset looked up at him confused.

Harry: "I just woke up. No need to get all panicky on us. Regulus we should leave now, in case Hydra is close by."

Regulus nodded his head and turned back into his human form.

Regulus: "That's a good idea Harry. We should start packing."

Harry nodded his head, and started packing the things that he had...which was just his phone.  Regulus turned on the TV to check the news.

News: "BBC news is currently doing a report on the tragic fire that took Vernon and Petunia Dursley's lives when the house exploded. Their son Dudley managed to survive the explosion and the fire. His aunt Marge tells the police that her brother had another child living in the house. A Harry Potter, but firefighters couldn't find any body, so they assume the child died along the house."

Harry looked at the TV shocked, he was more shocked that Dudley managed to survive the explosion. But he was happy that people thought he was dead, cause now it will be easier for him to walk around.

As they were packing, the asset suddenly heard footsteps. He sat up and got all tensed, this made Regulus tense up as well.

Regulus: "Yeah, I hear that too."

Harry looked at at them confused, since he didn't hear anything. Regulus quickly pushed Harry into the closet.

Regulus: "Stay in here Harry. I don't know what will happened, so I don't want you to get shot."

Harry nodded his head and closed the closet door. Regulus then quickly grabbed his wand, and looked around the room. He looked at the window to see someone walk by, he was holding a guy. None of the assassins recognize the man.

The man aimed his gun through the window and both the assassins pressed their backs the to the wall. Regulus looked outside the window to see a black van parked at the other end of the motel.

Winter grabbed his gun with his flesh hand and Regulus grabbed another gun with his metal hand, and held his wand with his other hand.

???: "Mapnohetak." (A/N: I learned that this means Marionette.)

Regulus looked confused, but Winter tensed up and he lowered his gun. Regulus looked at him confused, but then the door to the motel was busted open and four people swarmed into the room. They all held their guns and shouting at the assassins. Regulus glared at the people not trusting them at all.

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