Chapter 4: Old man kidnaps a child

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(Narrator's POV)

It's been a year after Harry took in Winter. He was doing a little bit better, sure he still had his moments, but he was starting to act as if he was a human and not as a weapon. Regulus even started to remember more of his life.

It came a shock to them, to learn that Regulus and Winter knew each other before Hydra, but they were happy to see each other.

They were like a family, Regulus as Harry's mother, and Winter like his dad. He was happy to finally have a family.

But all good things come to an end. No Hydra didn't find them, shocking. No Death Eaters didn't find them. No Child Serives didn't come after them, and no the police didn't come after them as well.

No, one day Harry was outside the house playing with Loki, when he heard a sound. Harry looked over to see a old man wearing what looked like to be a wizard outfit. He knew this man must be a wizard.

Harry picked up Loki and ran inside the house and hide. Regulus and Winter looked confused, but looked at the door. Soon a knocked sounded, and Winter moved over to the stairs where Harry ran. He was going to block the man from going after Harry.

Regulus walked over to the door with his wand raised. The moment he opened the door just a little bit, a spell was shot at him, and he flew back and landed on the ground. Winter glared at the old man, who just walked inside.

Old: "Okay now. Hand over Harry Potter!"

Regulus and Winter glared at the old man, and Regulus jumped up and pointed his wand at the old man.

Regulus: "Dumbledore, you can't just fucken barge into my home and attack me! You have no right to do that!"

Dumbledore glared at Regulus with so much hate.

Dumbledore: "Regulus my boy. Remember I once obliterated you, and threw you back in time. Don't think I won't do that again."

Regulus and Winter looked at Dumbledore shocked and upset. Dumbledore pointed his wand at Regulus and shot a spell at him. Regulus tried to block it, but the spell managed to hit him and threw him back.

Dumbledore them casted a spell a Winter which caused him to freeze. He then livataed Winter away from the stairs, and stormed up them.

He got upstairs, and looked through all the rooms. He even looked through Sirius's room, after breaking the lock. He though finally found Harry in his room.

Harry glared at him, as his eyes shined, and Loki growled at him. Dumbledore looked shocked, but this didn't make him back down. He smiled at Harry. But Harry knew it was fake.

Dumbledore: "Potter my boy. I'm here to save you."

He took a step closer to Harry, but Loki growled at him. He backed up and looked down at the fox. Harry scoffed and shook his head.

Harry: "You aren't here to save me. Cause I don't NEED saving. I'm fine."

Dumbledore shook his head and sighed.

Dumbledore: "You need to learn how to control your magic my boy. So if you can-"

Harry stretched out his arm to his side, and a spell blasted out his hand. The wall that was blasted charred a little bit. Dumbledore looked shocked.

Harry: "As you can see, I know magic really well. So no, I WON'T be coming with you."

Dumbledore glared at Harry, and quickly got up to him and grabbed him by his shoulder. He then used a spell to teleport. Loki followed after them, since he is Harry's familiar.

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