Chapter 16: Umbridge gets what she deserves

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(Narrator's POV)

The first week of term passed by well enough. Most of the classes met Umbridge's standards, which were rather low to begin with. The only exception was DADA, in which Remus just completely disregarded her speech at the Welcoming Feast and taught the students his normal way of teaching.

Harry was right now sitting in his common room talking to the other Slytherins, and some other students from other houses. Like Neville, Luna, Fed, and George.

Harry: "I'm sorry, can you repeat that Fred?"

Fred nodded his head, and talked.

Fred: "Me and George  'accidentally' overheard a staff meeting where Umbridge just complained about Remus being childish, and how having a male partner was affecting him."

Harry scoffed and shook his head. He already hated Umbridge, but she was making him hate her even more.

Harry: "So she's also prejudiced against same sex couples. That's not a surprise really. She's a bitch."

They all nodded their heads. Since Harry wasn't wrong about that, she IS a bitch!

Harry: "What did Snape say to her?"

The twins grinned and laughed. This gave Harry the idea of what ever Snape said to her, was something funny.

George: "That he knew two other males that were dating, and there was nothing wrong with them."

Harry nodded his head and laughed, he knew that Snape was talking about either Regulus and Bucky, or Tom and Jormungandr, but he'll never know.

Over the weeks of the first term, Umbridge took over almost everything, and everyone hated it. She even put a restriction on one of the professor's heights. It was so rude of her to do. Though she did well with their physic teacher, since she wasn't REALLY a physic and was only reading teas which was always wrong.

She once Harry that he was going to get a girlfriend, but he wasn't even interested in dating anyone.

Umbridge, sent detentions on some of the students, and her detentions were just wrong. She would force the student to use a Blood Quill to write on a paper. A Blood Quill is a quill that needs a person's blood to wrote.

So let's say I would to write on a paper using a Blood Quill, writing the phrase "I will not lie" over and over again on that paper, that makes the paper a contract then. Then if I would to sign the paper on the bottom on it, it makes it a contract, and I am forced to follow that rule.

Umbridge was doing this with all the students, but mostly the Muggle-borns, since she has something against them. She would force them to write with a Blood quill, and then forced them to sign all the papers that they made. She once caught two female students holding hands in the hallway, and forced them to write "I will not date the same sex" with a Blood quill. She then forced them to sign it, all while they were crying.

Since they were scared. They were being forced to change their lives and who they love cause someone is Homophobic. I mean just image how scared they were!

This caused the two girls to stop loving each other, and start loving the oppiste sex. Harry was upset about this, cause she shouldn't force kids to love anyone, also she shouldn't be allowed to do this.

Harry wrote a letter to Rita about it, with the evidence that he had. The next day, the Daily Prophet came out during lunch.

DOLORES UMBRIDGE FORCING KIDS TO USE BLOOD QUILLS- I Rita Skeeter had someone from Hogwarts tell me that Dolores Umbridge has been forcing the students to use Blood quills as a form of punishment for over the tops things. Like punishing two female students because they held hands.

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