Chapter 13: Qudditch game

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(Narrator's POV)

Waking up the next day Harry sat up and stretched his limbs.

???: "You sleep well last night?"

Harry froze and turned around to see Tom standing by his doorway, leading on it. Jormungandr was wrapped around his neck.

Harry: "Yep, I dreamt about meeting my dad. It was fun."

Tom nodded his head, he felt bad for Harry. He walked over to him and sat down on the bed.

Tom: "I felt the same way. I was a orphan."

Harry felt bad for Tom. He didn't have any parents, so when Dumbledore did all those evil shit to him. He had no one to save him like Harry did.

Jormungandr: "Harry Sirius did it. Tom has his body back!"

Harry grinned and looked happy for his sibling and his new friend...or future brother-in-law.

Harry: "I'm so happy for you two!"

Tom smiled and nodded his head. He now owns a debt to Harry for what he did. Cause now he can be with his best friend once again.

Soon a knock on the door made them look over to the doorway. Remus stood there with a smile on his face.

Remus: "Morning Harry. Breakfast is ready, might as well come down."

They nodded their heads and they walked downstairs to eat breakfast. During breakfast, they tell Tom all about what happened to Regulus and Bucky.

Tom: "Oh, I can help with that."

They all looked at him shocked and confused.

Sirius: "What do you mean?"

Tom: "I can take the trigger words out of their heads. So take the coding and programming out of their heads."

This shocked them, but Regulus and Bucky were eager to do it. Since they didn't want to fall victim to Hydra once again. So Tom used his wand to take all the trigger words out of their heads.

So he undid all the programming and coding. They were all happy to know this, and Bucky felt safe for once. But still he didn't want to leave the safety of the manor, in case Hydra kidnapped him again, and redid all the programing and coding.

Then towards to the end of July, was Hadrian's birthday. Harry was woken up by Sirius in dog form licking his face.

Harry: "God this is gross! Why do you do this EVERY time!"

Sirius turned human and laughed. He ran off downstairs, and Harry got up. He went to the bathroom first to clean the drool off his face. Then he went through his daily routine and after he was done. He got changed and went downstairs.

Tom was already downstairs talking to Jormungandr about Harry's birthday and what present he'll have to buy him. Harry smirked and thought of a great present.

Harry: "I think a great present from you, is to start dating Jormungandr~!"

Tom and Jormungandr snapped their heads over to Harry and they blushed.

Tom: "W-What?!?"

Harry laughed and nodded his head.

Harry: "Dude you two definitely love each other. And I know it's not weird since our father gave birth to them, a horse, and a wolf."

Jormungandr thought about it, before nodding his head. Tom just blushed. Sirius made breakfast and was so excited for Harry to eat it. In some way this is his second time having his birthday celebrated by his family, minus Regulus since he's always been there for him.

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