Chapter 9: Chamber of Secrets

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(Narrator's POV)

If it was between Ginny, Colin, or Lockhart who is the MOST annoying fan Harry ever had, Lockhart would've won the prize. He's the MOST annoying fan Harry's ever had, which isn't much, since his family makes sure most of his fans don't bother him.

On the first day of DADA class of the term, poor Harry ha the honor of seeing just how qualified Lockhart really is at teaching. And like both himself and his family thought...Lockhart wasn't qualified at teaching.

The man really handed out the most useless pop quiz ever. The quiz was just all about him, I mean one of the questions really was "What is Lockhart's favorite color?" Harry and Draco didn't even bother to answer the questions.

This man even released some Cornish Pixies, they are electric blue creatures that were the size about eight inches. Lockhart had tried to catch them, but one of the pixies grabbed him wand and threw it out of the window. It was funny to watch, though it wasn't funny being attacked.

Though his other issue, is that Ginny had started to follow him in the halls for some strange reason. Snape caught her a few times, but Harry's attention was stolen when Draco got on the Quidditch team.

Lucius bought his son and the rest of the team a Nimbus Two Thousand and One broomsticks. Harry watched with amusement as the Slytherin team rubbed it in Oliver Wood's face. The sixth year Gryffindor was known for his obsession over Quidditch. Oliver is always determined to beat Slytherin, but they fail and lose all the time.

Hermione: "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent."

Harry looked annoyed at that, since Draco did get on the team for his talent, Harry trained him. He stormed over to them, just as Draco sneered at Hermione.

Draco: "I DID get on the team for my talent Granger. Hadrian taught me how to fly a broom, and play Quidditch. So you're making fun of him as well."

Hermione looked confused on who Hadrian was, and Harry stood next to Draco with a smirk and his arms crossed.

Harry: "True that. Lucius only bought them the broomsticks cause he's proud of Draco."

Draco smiled and nodded his head. Ron didn't like that and pulled out his wand. He pointed it at Harry. He tried to shot out a spell at him. But Harry raised his arm up in the arm and a shield formed around himself and the rest of the team.

Ron's spell hit the shield and bounced off of it, hitting himself instead. Ron flew back and landed on his back. Hermione gasped and ran over to him and checked up in. The rest of the Gryffindor team looked shocked.

Ron sat up and opened his mouth to say something...only to throw up a slug. Harry cringed at that and the Slytherins laughed. Harry didn't feel bad for Ron since he was aiming that spell at him.

Draco: "Well that's what he gets for trying to throw that spell at you."

Harry smirked and nodded his head. They walked off, and went back to their classes.

(Time skip)

At night Harry was about to go to sleep, when he heard something that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand. It sounded like a hissing voice speaking.

???: "Come...come to me...let me rip you...let me tear you...let me kill you."

Harry laid there in his bed trying to listen to the voice, but there were no further ominous speaking. Harry shrugged it off, and fell to sleep.

(Next morning)

The next day Harry tried to listen for the voice, and watch for anything more unusual, but the only thinking he noticed was that Snape was still keeping an eye on him and that Ginny was looking more paler than normal.

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