Arnold's Room Chapter 5

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Arnold left later that day and went to Helga's place. Now It's the next day Helga wakes up in Arnold's room. And opens up his closet.

You should listen to The All-American Rejects. Give You Hell. while you read to make it more interesting. Sorry for the interruption now back to the story.

Helga's p.o.v

I was looking through his closet and I started singing. 🎶I wake up in the morning... with a big smile on my face... and I get to stay at Arnold's place... and you're still probably sleeping... while Miriam makes pancakes, I wonder how bad thaaat tastes.🎶 I tried on a couple of different outfits. First I tried classic Arnold and then I tried on a disco Arnold outfit and then pirate Arnold. But then I decided to go for the jungle Arnold I put on his teal striped t-shirt and his plaid shorts. I was about to go downstairs but then I got nervous because I remembered that I was in my beloved's house's. I didn't know what to do but then I hard someone coming up stairs. So I just jumped back in the bed and pretended I was sleeping. Hey sweetie you awake? It was his Mom. Yeah I am now. Oh sorry I didn't know I was just seeing if you wanted some breakfast. it's okay I'm just not used to people checking on me, and making me breakfast. Your Mom doesn't make you breakfast or even checkup on you? No I mean sometimes. That's sad. Yeah well welcome to my life. Well come on honey let's go get you some breakfast. We went downstairs and into the kitchen. Man Arnold wasn't kidding when he said that he ate with his whole family. It's about time you woke up sleeping beauty I'm starving. How can you even put food in there do you even have a stomach in that little body of yours? Okay no fighting lets just eat before Oskar eats all of it. But I was hungry. Sheesh you guys are freaks, but I agree with the old man lets just eat.We finished eating breakfast and then sat down and Miles turned on the TV and played some show, what is this crap. it's Pop Daddy Arnold's favorite show I thought that's what you modern kids watched. Well I'll have you know that only dork football head's would watch something like that. Okay Arnold Jr what do you.... Wait? did you just call my son a dork football head? Yeah so. But aren't you two dating? I felt heat rush to my cheeks. We are not dating! I have no idea where you got an idea like that. Well I figured that you guys were since Arnold always talks about you, Arnold talks about me! I thought to my self. And we saw you guys kiss back in San Lorenzo. That was a heat of the moment thing. Now I need to go. Where? Anywhere but here. I left and went for a walk and I was thinking about everything that had just happened. Then I decided to go to the park and I bumped into Phoebe. Hey Pheebs, what's up. Oh Hi Helga! I like the new look. Hehe! I forgot I was wearing his clothes. Well don't get used to it Pheebs your not going to see me in these after this project. I wouldn't be so sure. What is that supposed to mean. Nothing, so what is it like at Arnold's house. Well you know crazy like always. Actually I don't know tell me. I told her about everything. He said that Arnold talks about you all the time, that's great Helga! Yeah if I knew what he said, what if he told them bad thing's about me. I'm sure Arnold didn't say anything bad about you Helga. Yeah you're probably right Pheebs. We continued talking and then went to Antonio's Pizzeria for lunch. And then I went back to Arnold's house. Hey kiddo. where have you been? I went to the park with Phoebe. Oh okay do you want lunch? No. I mean no thanks I already had some with Phoebe. Oh okay Shortman, wink. I guess I'll see you for dinner than. yup see you for dinner Gramps. I went up stairs to Arnold's room and laid on his bed and grab his remote and played some music and then I fell asleep. A few hours later I woke up and then I decided to started look through his stuff I knew it wasn't right but hey it's me. I found something but then I heard his Mom call me down for dinner. We had dinner and I went back to Arnold's room and started to get ready for bed I put on one of his big plaid shirts. And I was going to brush my teeth but then I remembered that I found a photo under his bed. I went to flip it over to see what was on the other side and it was a photo of.......Abner! Wait there's another one stuck to the back. It's...... ME! a picture of ME! Why does Arnold have a picture of me? It was getting late so I finished getting ready for bed and went to sleep thinking about why Arnold would have a picture of me.

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