The Concert Chapter 14 part 3

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It's saturday morning four days later, the day of the concert and the whole class is preparing themselves for the concert tonight.

Rhonda's p.o.v

Hey Nadine did you get my text message I sent you? I'm planning on buying a new dress for tonight, tell me which one you like better. But Rhonda you have a lot of dresses in your closet. What's wrong with those dresses? Nadine those are all last season, I need something new and on trend. Peapod's rich and he doesn't buy a new outfit every time a new trend starts. Yeah that's because Peapod doesn't know about fashion, I mean have you seen what he wears? Plus I don't care what he wears, this is about me. Just because you two are dating or something it doesn't mean that you can talk to me about him I don't like Peapod any more ever since he told everyone that I was, you know... the p. word. That's not fair Rhonda that was two years ago. How can you still be made at him for that? And he does to know about fashion he just doesn't go off about it. You just don't like him because he's richer and nicer than you. I should be able to talk about him all I want and in front of anyone I want. Ugh how dare you Nadine. He is not nicer than me, I'm the nices person you know and I'll Prove it to you. What ever you say Rhonda.

Lila's p.o.v

Oh Arnold I noticed that your oh so attractive country cousin was at school yesterday but I didn't get a chance to talk to him. Is he here with you!? Yeah he just had to go to the restroom, I think he'll be out any minute now. Oh goody I can't wait to see him again. Do you think he like likes me? Oh, I'm not sure didn't he dump you the last time he was here? Yes Arnold, but spending time apart for a long time can change someone mind. If you say so Lila. Hey Football head what are you up to today!? And where is your stupid cousin? Hey Helga! He's in the restroom, I thought he would be out by now.? Hello Helga! Oh Lila I didn't even notice you were there. Why are you standing out side of the men's restroom in the middle of the mall? I was just talking to Arnold and waiting for Arnie so that I could talk to him. You actually want to talk to him? wait, do you still have a crush on the guy?  Why yes Helga I'm  ever so certain I do still like him, who wouldn't he is just ever so interesting! I don't know if interesting is the right word, I would say more like creepy. Hi what are you talking about. Snort. Aaaaaaaah. We all yelled because we got startled. Why hello Arnie it's so nice to see you again, you have grown up so much in the last two years. I certainly hope you remember me. Of course he remembers you, you two were dating. If he doesn't then you must have been a horrible girlfriend or he's a horrible boyfriend or..... Helga that enough! remember your promise? Yeah yeah I remember. What promise? None of your business. It's nothing Lila, just something between me and Helga. Well I think that it's ever so sweet that you and Helga are keeping promises with each other.

Arnold's p.o.v

Yeah, I just wish that she would do more and just open up to me or at least talk to me about what happened back in the jungle. What was that Arnold? Huh, oh uh nothing. So Helga what brings you here? I was just going around doing "girl stuff " and then I saw you just standing there so I decided to come up to you and talk. What brings you here Arnoldo!? I was just buying something for tonight's concert and Arnie wanted to come too, he said that he had to pick up something for a plan he has. I wonder what that could be? Arnie I know things didn't end so well last time. But do you think we can try it again? Uh no. Ugh watch where you're going.... I mean excuse me, oh, Hi Arnold darling oh and Lila and let's not forget Helga, I'm so sorry for bumping into all of you, haha. Hi Rhonda. Hello Rhonda. What do you want from us? Nothing Helga I was just shopping and I decided to say hi to some of my favorite people. Hahahaha! yeah right, just tell me what you want. Rhonda's just trying to be nice to people to prove a point because of a little argument we had earlier. Well I have to go now bye guys see you tonight at the concert come on Nadine. Coming, bye guys. I'm afraid I have to go too, bye Arnold, Helga, Arnie, see you tonight. Bye Rhonda, Nadine bye Lila. Yeah bye. So.... Umm I guess I should go finish doing my "girl stuff "so I'll see you tonight. I'll be there. "Great." Wait Helga! Yeah Arnold. Uh.... see you tonight. Okay? uh see you.

Reader's p.o.v

Nine hours later. The concert is about to begin. Okay everyone take your places the concert is about to start. Wow, everyone is here there are so many people. Mr. Simmons is starting to get nervous. Welcome everyone to our first Disney concert, today we are going to do Aladdin. So with out further a do, one jump ahead from our students at P.S 118. They opened the curtains and the music started. 

Arnold started singing. 🎶One jump ahead of the breadline, one swing ahead of the sword, I steal only what I can't affoord... and that's everything. One jump ahead of the lawman that's all..... and that's no joke. these guys don't appreciate I'm broooke.🎶 the rest of the class joined in. 🎶Riffraff!🎶Street rat!🎶scoundrel!🎶 Take that!🎶Just a little snack guuuys.🎶 Rip him open take it back guys.🎶 I can take a hint, gotta face the facts, you're my only friend Abu!🎶 the girls joined in. 🎶Who? Oh it's sad Aladdin's hit the bottooom he's become a one-man rise in criiiime.🎶 Big Patty joined. 🎶I'd blame his parents except he hasen't got'eem.🎶Gotta eat to live, gotta to steal to eat, tell you all about it when I got the tiiiiime🎶One jump ahead of the slowpokes, one skip ahead of my doom, next time gonna use a nom de plume, one jump ahead of the hit men, one hit ahead of the flock, I think I'll take a stroll around the block.🎶 Everyone joined in again. 🎶Stop, thief!🎶Vandal!🎶Abu!🎶Scandal!🎶Let's, not, be too hasty.🎶 Big Patty joined in again. Still I think he's rather tasty.🎶Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat, otherwise we'd get alooong.🎶 All of them sing together. 🎶Wrong!🎶......One jump ahead of the hoofbeats.🎶Vandal!🎶One hop ahead of the hump.🎶Street rat!🎶One trick ahead of disaster.🎶Scandal!🎶They're quick, but I'm much faster.🎶Take that!🎶Here goes, better throw my hand in, wish me a happy landing, all I gotta do is juuuuuump!🎶 the audience applauded us. Thank you.

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