Gerald Field Chapter 16

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It's Sunday morning. The next day after the school concert and everyone is doing their own thing and just enjoying their last day off of school until they have to go back to school tomorrow.

Arnold's p.o.v

Hey Arnold, Hey Arnold, Hey Arnold, I turned off my alarm. Awww, I forgot it's Sunday that means no school today, I can do what I want. I got dressed and ran down stairs for breakfast, so I could go hang out with Gerald and the others. Since I missed out on the game me and Gerald were going to, on Tuesday. So I thought I would make it up to him. Hey Shortman what are you up to today, you have any plans? maybe with a "girl."  I hope not unless you talk to us about it first you can't have a girlfriend with out telling us and with out us approving of her. No Grandpa but I am planning on hanging out with Gerald. And Dad I don't have a girlfriend and if I did I'm sure you would know I would never keep anything from you guys, and you already know the girl who I kinda like. I was so nervous to say those last words I think I blushed a little. Shortman what do you mean she's not your girlfriend!? You two have only been crushing on each other since preschool! What do you mean Grandpa? I have not had a crush on her since preschool, I've just started to like her. Sure I have known her since preschool but we were never close. What ever you say Shortman. I have to go now I'll see you guys later, bye. Hey son when you get back we have to talk, Good bye.

Gerald's p.o.v

Knock, knock. I'll get it! Oh, hey Arnold! What's up? Hey Gerald! Do you want to hang out, we could go to Gerald field, it won't to make up for missing out on the game the other day, if that's alright with you? Yeah, sure! Of course it's alright with me, it's better than being stuck here in the house all day on a Sunday, just let me tell my Mom and Dad I'll be out. Okay Gerald sounds good. Five minutes later. I can't believe no one's here on a Sunday. Yeah, it's really weird, well do you want play catch? Sure. Ten minutes later. I'm kinda bored. What about you Arnold, you bored? Yeah.... Hey I have an Idea how about we ask the guys if they want to play a game of baseball.? Yeah that sounds like a good idea. We went to as many houses as we could. The last house. Knock, knock, Arnold knocked on the door. Uh Hi, Mr. Pataki. Is Helga home? Yeah, what do you want? No, we don't want any cookies. We aren't selling cookies, I'm Arnold and this is Gerald remember?.... Never mind so is Helga home? HEY OLGA, ALFRED AND SOME KID NAMED JORDAN IS LOOKING FOR YOU! COMING BOB! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOW! I SAID I'M COMING! Hey Arnoldo, "Jordan" what do you want? Well we were wondering if you wanted to play a game of baseball at Gerald field? With just you two? No we got a bunch of friends to join. So are you in? Yeah sure it's better than staying here with Bob and Miriam. Okay let's go I'm sure everyone is waiting. We made it to the field and played a great game with the gang and now everyone is having a conversation with each other. So Arnold how is everything you know with your parents and well you know? I pointed to Helga. Well me and my parents are getting along just fine, but they said we had to talk about something when I get home.  I'm a little nervous about that to be honest. Oh man I hope you're not in trouble! What about the other thing? Oh it's complete you know every time I get the chance to talk to her there's something that comes up or she's in a bad mood and now with Arnie being here I never get a chance alone. Why don't you try to talk to her now?  I don't know Gerald she seems distracted with.... Wait is that... Helga will you be my girlfriend? Wait did Arnie just say what I think he said? Okay now I've seen everything!

Helga's p.o.v

Helga will you be my girlfriend? Are you crazy?..... You can do this for Arnold come on Helga ol girl you can do it. uhh I mean I can't, I'm just not the right one for you I think you would be a lot happier with someone else. I got you flowers and chocolates. I know, thank you but.... She said no, can't take no for a answer. Arnold why did you do that? I was handling it. I was just trying to help. I never asked for your help, so you think I can't handle myself. No that's not it at all. Then what was it? I... I don't know. You know what Arnie, I'm not saying I'll be your girlfriend but I will let you take me out on one date. Wait Helga can I talk to you?

A\N Hey guys I'm back sorry it took so long to post this chapter I have been very busy recently with the fourth of July and my sister had a birthday party and a lot of stuff the last two week so I've been distracted with a lot. Sorry that it's short. I hope you have enjoyed it. I also got sick again this week so I can't promise the next one will come out any sooner so, sorry about that but I will try to post chapters as often as possible. I'm almost done with this book so I would love to hear what you want next I'm opened to any suggestions I was thinking of a fantasy superhero or a fairytale. Let me know what you want to read next in the comments. Thank you for reading!❤ I hope you all have a great week!😁

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