Happy Father's Day! Chapter 13

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Arnold's p.o.v

Hey Arnold, hey Arnold, hey Arnold, It's my Dad's birthday today. I wonder what's for breakfast today? I better get dressed so I can find out. What should I wear today? I'll have to put something nice on for my Dads birthday it's our first time celebrating it together, I know what to wear, I'll put on a button down shirt with a black tie and my jeans so I don't over do it. Perfect. Now I can go downstairs and say happy birthday to my Dad. Hi guys. where's Dad? He's in his room trying to figure out what to wear, but you look snazzy today. Well it's our first time celebrating his birthday together. I know, I can't wait till the party later today! did you invite some of your friends? Yep I've even invited Mr Green, Harvey our mailman, Mrs. Vitello and a few others. it sounds to me that you've invited the whole neighborhood Shortman. I didn't invite the whole neighborhood Grandpa just my closest friends and a few other people. Hey Arnold when you're done with your eggs, bacon and toast can you help your Grandparents decorate later for the party while I take out your Dad? Yeah no problem Mom! Good morning Dad I like the new look.  Good morning Arnold, morning everyone I wonder what day it is. What is today it has to be something important but what is it? Is it your anniversary no, is it my birthday? Closer Dad but no. Oh I know it's Saint Patrick's day! No Dad it's my birthday. Oh, was that today!? Haha very funny Dad.

Readers p.o.v

five hours later. It's party time. Grandpa they're coming. Everyone, Shortman hide. Hey guys we're home! Happy birthday! They all jumped out at him and yelled in unison. Happy Father's day! Pookie go sit down. Wow thank you there's so many people here. Hey my favorite girl is here well besides my beautiful wife, I love you! You almost lost your present for a minute there. Speaking of presents It's about time give them out. He got a present from almost everyone. I didn't know what to get you so I got you your son. technicly Stella gave him to me. Miles! oww I was just joking I mean it's cool, it's my favorite present. I didn't actually just get you Arnold  I got you a compass so you can always stay on the right path. I know it's kinda old and cheap but I'm not the richest person right now. Thank you Helga, but you didn't have to get me anything I was happy enough with you bringing me back with my son. Yeah, yeah enough with the mushy stuff lets just get on with the party. Okay who wants to eat some cake! They all had some cake and danced and played some party games. Now it's the end of the party and everyone went home. Hey Helga before you go can I talk to you for a second? Sure. Can we talk in my room? Okay? They made there way to his room. Helga I know it's none of my business but what was that back there and why did you get my Dad a compass? I figured sense he travels so much and always ends up getting lost he could use it. How did you know he used to go on an adventure, and what did you mean when you said that he can use it to stay on the right path? I just do okay and no questions, and I told him that so he will always stay with you because you are always the right path and one day he can give it to you and you can follow your own path. Wow thank you Helga. Helga left. And then they all cleaned up and went to bed. 


I wrote this chapter for Father's day. So Happy Fathers day! my father just died last year so this is my second fathers day with out him but that doesn't mean we can't have fun and enjoy our selves. So I made this for you guys I hope you liked it. Leave a comment and let me know if you guys like this chapter and if you want me to make more just like this.

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