The Auditions Chapter 12 Part 2

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Phoebe's p.o.v

Phoebe I thought we promised to never bring that up again. And I am not that good. okay if you say so, but Arnold changed his mind. Now he's going to be in it. Be in what? What are you guys or should I say girls talking about? Oh Arnold! We were just talking about how I think Helga should sign up for the concert. Because she's really good at singing. Really? Can I hear you Helga? Uh in your dreams Football head. Aww, please just something little it doesn't have to be anything special. Maybe we should go some where more quiet Helga doesn't really like to talk about things like that in public. Okay? how about we go back to the lunch room I'm sure no one will be in there now that lunch time is over. Uh did you guys forget I'm standing right here, and I never agreed to sing. Aww come on Helga this is your chance to show Arnold some of your talents. Ugh! fine I'll do it just so you two shut up and stop bothering me. Yay! We made our way back to the lunch room when we got inside Helga got nervous. Helga are you okay? You shouldn't be nervous it's just me and Phoebe. I'm not nervous I was just seeing if you were ready. Well we're ready.

Helga's thoughts

That's exactly why I'm nervous. Because of Arnold I don't care about singing in front of Phoebe, she's my best friend she knows everything about me. But what if Arnold thinks that I'm terrible and laughs at me. Helga what are you talking about it's Arnold. He won't laugh at me even if I do sound terrible. Come on Helga old girl, you can do this.

Arnold's p.o.v

Helga sang and she was nervous at first but once she got into it she was really good. Helga you... your amazing! how come I never know about this. now I really think you should sign up. Before I just thought that it would be fun for you but now that I heard that you can sing I think you should sign up for the duet. Arnold I am not that good stop sugar coating it, and the reason why you never knew I could sing is because you never asked, and even if you did I wouldn't tell you anyways, plus I kinda thought that you would laugh at me because I wasn't good enough. Helga you should stop being so hard on your self you're great at singing, actually you're great at a lot of things, as you once said your a pretty amazing person and you'll always be good enough, for me anyway. Hey, sorry for interpreting your moment but we should hurry up and head to class before we're late.

Readers p.o.v

They made their way to the classroom. Mr Simmons taught the class, and the bell rung for the end of School Now everyone is going to the theater to audition.

Mr Simmons p.o.v

Alright everyone welcome to auditions. We are going to have two groups. Group one will be the boys and group two will be the girls. We're going to do the group number audition first, so if you sign up for group number then please go on the stage and we will have the guys come up first one at a time. Now who wants to be first. Oh, me, me, I'll be first. Okay Eugene, come on up. I want to be the main role Aladdin. Okay what song are you going to do? I'm going to do a whole new world. 🎶I can show you the wooorld shiiiining shimmering sple... aaaah, I'm okay. Thank you Eugene who wants to go next. Oooh ooh me all go next I also want to be the main character. Okay, go for it Herald. 🎶I can show you the woorld shiining glimmering simmerrrr...rrrring.🎶 Herald I'm going to stop you right there, I'm sorry but those are not the right words. Who's next?  I'll be next I will show you guys how it's done. 🎶One jump ahead of the breadllllllline, One swing ahead of the SWORD, I steeeeeal only what I can't afford and that's EVERYTHING hahaha, thank you Curly. One jump ahead of the lawman, that's enough. That's all, and that's no Joke,🎶 thank you Curly that's enough please get off the stage. Who's next? 20 minutes later. Okay is that everyone for our group number? Wait for me, I'm here sorry I'm late. It's okay Arnold you still have time we didn't move on to the duet audition yet. Great! What do you want me to do? Just sing one of these songs. Okay. 🎶I can show you the wooorld, shining shimmering spleeeendid, tell me princess now when did you last let your heart deciiiiide.🎶 that was excellent I think we just found our Aladdin. Thank you Mr Simmons but.... No buts that was one of the best auditions.

Arnie's p.o.v

30 minutes earlier. Hey Arnie sorry I left earlier but I had to take care of something I hope you didn't mind hanging out with Gerald for a little while..... so I know you don't go to this school but are you planning on signing up for the concert? No. Why do you keep staring at me? You're creeping me out, look at Arnold or something not me. You're beautiful. What did you just call me? I said I think you're beautiful. Wow that's nice of you Arnie. Of course I am, but Arnold doesn't seem to think so. I never said you weren't beautiful. Yeah but you never said I was. Helga can we talk about this later we have to go to the auditions before we're late.

Mr Simmons p.o.v

Okay now for the duet auditions, can I have all the girls who signed up for the duet please come on to the stage. Thank you. Now, who would like to go first? I'll go first since I'm obviously the best. Okay Rhonda give it your best. 🎶A whole neew woooorld a dazzling place I never kneeew but when I'm way up here it's crystal clear that Now I'm in a Whole new world with yoooooooooou.🎶 Thank you Rhonda that was good, it was very you. Who's next? Me I would like to be next. I would love to hear you Sheena. 🎶a whole new wooorld a dazzling place I never kneew but when I'm way up here it's crystal clear that now I'm in a whole new world with yooou.🎶 Sheena that was very good. Thank you. 10 minutes later. Well done everyone it's going to be hard to chose between all of you, wait there's still one more, I think you should listen. Hey football head what are you doing!? Yes Mr Simmons you should give her a chance, it will be worth your time. Arnold, Phoebe, you don't need to worry I will be more than happy to have Helga audition for the part, we still didn't make the final decision. I never asked for this. Please Helga. Ugh fine I'll sing. Okay Helga whenever you're ready. 🎶A whooole neeew world a dazzling place I never kneeew but when I'm way up here it's crystal clear that now I'm in a whole new world with yoooou.🎶 Wow Helga who know you could sing, that was probably the best auditions we had the whole day. Well I try not to go around advertising it. Well done I think we'll all agree that you are our Jasmine.


This is my longest chapter so far let me know if you like the longer or shorter chapters better in the comments. tell me how you like the book so far and what's your favorite chapter. I'm interested in your thoughts. And I love to talk to you guys so if you want to talk you can go check out my profile.

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